Sympathy For The Devil?

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Six months on life was good, Connor was a regular at the house and the shop.
Sasha and Jase were humming along nicely with baby Harry.
Claire and Tom still lived above the shop.
Chloe and Zak and the children and their mad labradors were a daily feature in Steve and Nicks garden.

Nick and Steve were still totally in love and still totally crazy.

Chasing each other round the shop in a quiet moment each grabbing half the dustpan and brush combo, they stood  opposite each other in fighting stance brandishing their weapons.

"Avast Sir Knight thou dost threaten my ladys honour you cad", Steve blustered with a daft overly affected old English accent.

Doing something akin to a sand dance, shuffling towards Nick he waved his brush with a daft haughty look on his freckled face.

Raising his eyebrows and jutting out his chin Nick countered, "you do not have a lady you blustering fool you have a man and I cannot threaten my own honour".

The dark eyed man chuckled, waving his dustpan as he sand danced towards Steve brandishing his weapon, "ah ha, come at me".

" You threaten the honour of the next lady that walks into this establishment", Steve laughed waving his brush randomly in the air in the vague direction of the door.

"Aha, then I shall kidnap fair maiden and drag her to my bedchamber mwah ha ha ha ha", Nick bellowed in a deep voice causing Steve to burst out laughing at his ridiculous serious face.

Suddenly the shop door swung open and Chloe walked in, stopped, stared, and shook her head with a confused yet amused smile as she pushed the door quietly shut behind her and flipped the sign to closed.

Steve gasped in mock horror.

"You better bloody not you cad, I am your man and you will have no woman", Steve boomed theatrically as he caught sight of Chloe watching them with a cocked eyebrow, laughing to herself.

They both turned to look at Chloe.

"AHA you would threaten the honour of my sister you rotten varlet?".

Dancing back and forth Steve jabbed the brush at Nick, "have-at-you you bumbling buffoon, cad, have-at-you, ah ha take that", he jabbed Nick in the ribs with the brush.


Jab jab jab.

"Ooooohhhh", jab jab.

"Eeeeeuuuuccchhhhh", Nick, spluttering, stumbled backwards dramatically dropping his dustpan and clutching his chest.

Doing his very best dying swan impression Nick choked, "stabbed six times....... so dies Caesar, hear my words for posterity", lowering himself carefully he laid on the floor, "I came, I saw, I...... conked out!".

He flopped dramatically with one last "uuuurrgghh", then laughed.

Chloe looked on laughing and shaking her head in resignation, she was used to her brother and brother in laws playful characters and the crazy things they sometimes did, a huge smile on her face watching the two almost 40 year olds act like complete children.


Chloe laughed loudly as Steve pulled Nick up off the floor, dusting him down, eyes sparkling at his lover.

"What the fuck was that Nick?, how did you go from Medieval Knight to bloody Roman Emperor?, you're a bloody nutcase".

Steve laughed as he planted a kiss on his mans cheek.
"Oh and Caesar was stabbed..... 7 times if I recall", he sniggered and poked him in the ribs once more making Nick huff and flinch.

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