Extra Chapter 3 - Jealous!

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Steve and Nick settled in at their usual table at the Hatchet waving a friendly hello to their friend and head barman, Blake Windsor.

Although his name sounded kind of posh, he definitely was not, the young man with the bright blonde hair and stark blue eyes was down to earth with a cracking sense of humour.

"Hey Blake how's it going?", Steve shouted over, a thumbs up thrown back and a big grin from the younger man telling him that, yeah, Blake was ok.

"Good bloke that", Steve sighed as he lowered his hand back to his glass, taking a long drink of the cold nectar.

"Mmmmm, far too pretty though", Nick mumbled into his glass with a slightly disgruntled look.


Steve raised and eyebrow.

"Are you jealous?", Steve grinned and chuckled at Nicks low huff.

"Jealous? Me?".

Nick looked slightly away, "why would I be?", he huffed into his glass as he took a mouthful of beer.

"Because he fancied me..... Not you!" Steve laughed shaking his head.

"Ppffttt", Nick hissed quietly, "he must've been desperate".

Nick grinned slyly just as his husband took a mouthful of beer then spluttered into his glass at Nicks cheeky comment.

"You cheeky sod".

Launching a beermat at Nick who ducked and laughed, Steve tried to glare at him but couldn't help but crack a smile as Blake wandered over pint in hand.

"Mind if I join you?".

The tall, fit, blonde haired, blue eyed man looked a little embarrassed to be spoiling their fun as the pair laughed and huffed at each other.

"Hell yeah sit down, take a load off" Steve smiled and extended his hand, sticking his tongue out at Nick.

Blake took it in a firm handshake repeating the process with Nick as the darker eyed man pulled a face at his husband.

"Er, you two okay?", Blake laughed as he sat down nervously.

"Are you sure you don't mind? you....er... looked like you'd rather be alone".

Blake looked between the two who were still chuckling lowly, he really didn't want to disturb if they were happy alone.

"Don't be daft, sit down, it's good to see you out from behind the bar, don't worry it's just Nicholas here being an arse", Steve laughed as a beer mat flew his way that time.

"Shut up Steven", Nick winked at his husband then indicated to the blonde to sit down.

Blake was gay and had had a crush on Steve for a while when he first started at the pub, a big one.

After weeks of mooning over the married man he'd finally realised that it wasn't a crush as such, it was more an admiration, fuelled by the obviously loving couples ability to just be who they were.

His own love life had been a tragic mess up to that point, so, looking for anything positive he'd latched onto the honey eyed man and become infatuated.

One day he'd confessed all to the pair but they'd not been angry, they understood, being a young gay man could be lonely and it was not unusual to find an older man to look up to.

Sometimes admiration could get confused with adoration and he'd fully expected Nick to send him packing with a boot up his arse, but he didn't, much to Blakes surprise.

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