Renewal Part 1!

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The wedding room was quiet save for a quiet giggling from baby Harry, not so much a baby anymore as Sasha shushed him to no avail.

Filled with all the people that mattered, had never wavered, had supported each other and come together in hard times, and great times.

A lone man in a dark blue suit, white shirt, fossil motif tie, stargazer lily adorning his buttonhole stood waiting.

His hair was longer this time and greying at the temples, curling slightly over his collar in soft waves, his dark chocolate eyes calm and his smile serene.

As the door behind him opened two men stepped through, one a dark honey eyed, dark haired young man, in a mid blue suit, blue shirt, and stargazer lily.

The other a taller slightly greying, honey eyed, crazy haired, beautiful man, lightly freckled face shining, sweet pink lips pulled up into a huge smile, in the same pale blue suit, white shirt and matching tie and of course, a lily.

Looking every inch as handsome as he did 11 years before, if not more so.

Except this time he walked proudly beside his son, a hush falling as the pair approached and Nick turned to meet the man of his dreams.

His reality, his love, his husband, his world.

As Steve faced him and they joined hands, Connor faced them both.

"'s my privilege to walk with you as your son and bring you to renew your vows to Nick, thank you for allowing me to do this for you", smiling at his fathers teary eyes he turned to Nick, "and thank you Nick for being an amazing step dad, I couldn't wish for a better third dad", Connor grinned as Sam chuckled from the front row of chairs.

"I wish you every happiness there can be in this world, I love you both".

Sniffles rippled around the room as Nick and Steve hugged Connor in turn before he returned to his seat next to Faith and Sam who beamed with pride at how their boy had grown and matured.

Nick and Steve, hand in hand, turned to face the front and the same registrar that had presided over their wedding all those years ago.

After reading the required script she called on the two to read their personal vows once again.

"Steve, eleven years ago on this day, you became my husband, and still I love you more with each day that passes, you're my life, my support, my day and my night, and my forever".
"Thank you, simply for loving me".

Nick sniffled and laughed lightly as Steve raised a hand, sweeping a thumb across his cheeks, wiping away his tears as his own ran down his freckled cheeks.

"Nick, these eleven years you've been my husband you've stuck with me through hell and high water, never faltering, always there, you're my life, my soulmate, my rock, MY forever"
"You deserve all the love I can give".

Coming together in a soft kiss the gathering erupted into cheers and clapping, louder than they were eleven years ago, with the addition of new family members and the re-addition of one particular lady.

From her seat at the back Corinne smiled widely, her tired eyes lighting up as she held Franks arm.

Leaning on her stick she stood up slowly and with some difficulty and made her way over to her son and his husband.

"Mum, I'm glad you came".

Steve held her free hand, "I want to introduce you to someone".

Leading her over to where Faith, Sam and Connor sat chatting, Steve approached Faith a little cautiously.

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