Getting To Know You!

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Setting aside the trays of finished flowers Nick threw a glance at the wall clock, 5.15.

45 minutes until Steve turned up, he really had enjoyed the evenings this past week, the sultry looks, the innuendoes in every sentence, the brushing of fingers, wrapping his arms around Steve to guide his hands.

Yeah so.... he really didn't need to back hug the man to help him but he was so warm and inviting.
The loaded comments about 'sticky fingers' (that sugar paste got very tacky in the summer heat..... honest)! replayed in his mind making him chuckle softly as he wandered upstairs to prepare for his date.

The past week Nick had found out that Steve Bailey was 26, a builder, a bit of a family black sheep, gay (pretty obvious from the start), which didn't go down well with Mrs Nasty Smell at all

Falling out with the woman after 'coming out', he'd trained as a builder, moved out at 19 and rented his own cottage.
He'd stayed in the same small sprawling village about 5 miles away from town, his mother and sister lived in the same village, but at the other end, actually not far away from Nicks parents house in another nearby village, as the crow flies.

His dad lived on a boat and spent his days punting up and down the local canal, working remotely in finance.

The boot was the result of a spiral fracture caused by slipping off a ladder at work that someone had spilled oil on and not cleaned properly, leaving Steve unable to work for a few weeks.

Just like Nick he wasn't overly academic but he'd excelled at practical work like Nick so building became his trade.


Stepping into the shower Nicks thoughts wandered to Steves face.

Those soft honey eyes, straight slightly freckled nose, pink lush lips and gorgeous golden brown long eyelashes that cast shadows on his cheeks when he blinked.

"Hey hey hey down boy not now", he sighed at the twitch of his growing erection.

The mere thought of Steve had him groaning as the warm water trickling down his length left ticklish trails making him shudder, turning the dial quickly to cold he shivered as it did the trick and the boner died away satisfactorily.

Dressed and ready he took in his reflection in the full length mirror and nodded, his favourite loose fit jeans that hugged his bum nicely and accentuated his long slim legs looked good, paired with a burgundy shirt open at the collar he looked pretty good if he did say so himself.

Grabbing his jacket and heading off downstairs, through the shop and out the door he smiled, lifting his face to the warm late afternoon sun that lit the street with an orange glow, waving goodbye to Sasha as she left he locked up the shop and waited.
Checking his phone, hopping from one foot to another he started to panic as the clock on the screen changed, 6.45.

Had he been stood up?, he really hoped not, his face fell with the thought of not seeing Steve.

Shoulders slouched he turned to let himself back into the shop barely noticing the motorbike that pulled up behind him.

"Sorry I'm late".

A muffled voice came from behind as a tingle swept down his spine.

Turning on his heels his eyes rested on the oh so alluring sight of Steve Bailey pulling off his crash helmet and running his hand through his mad honey brown bed head hair that glowed gold in the sun.

Steve had started getting ready at 5, but, like Nick he'd had a bit of a shower incident himself, making him late getting out of the door.


Catching the helmet and gloves passed his way Nick zipped up his jacket, the man straddling the shiny black Yamaha R3 grinned widely gazing with those soft honey eyes making Nicks heart thump in time with the throbbing of the engine.

Slinging his leg over taking his pillion seat Nick slipped the helmet on, fastened it and pulled on the gloves, resting his hands on Steves hips he sighed feeling the man twitch at his touch even through the heavy bike jacket.

Sliding his hands round further he pressed his chest against the mans back, feeling the movement of Steves chest as he pulled in a deep breath at the closeness, Nick smiled happily.

Feeling safe as the bike took off Nick relaxed as Steve guided the bike skillfully through town, past the cinema and out onto the dual carriageway.
Nick wondered where they were going, weren't they supposed to be going to see a movie?.

He couldn't really ask as the wind rushed past him so he just held on and enjoyed the ride.


The view from the hill was breathtaking, so was the climb though, literally.
Gasping for breath upon reaching the top the pair collapsed onto the ground groaning loudly.

"Fuck I'm so unfit", Steve panted hard, red in the face.

"Oh I wouldn't say that!".

Nick smiled shyly as Steve flopped onto his back beside him staring up at the sky.

"You're pretty nice yourself you know", Steve sighed looking sideways at Nick with a slightly nervous look, biting his bottom lip.

"Listen, Nick, I have a confession to make", the hair on Nicks neck bristled.

From his disastrous dating career he knew that the words "I have a confession to make" usually spelled failure, the end, those were the type of words that in his experience came before......
'I'm seeing someone else, or, I'm not ready for a relationship', stuff like that.

Steves quiet nervous voice dragged him back out of his thoughts.

"I - I - oh shit I'm just gonna say it........ Ok deep breath, I was late..... because.....", Steve breathed in heavily, "Ihadahardonintheshowerthinkingaboutyou!".

The words tumbled out one after the other as Steve hid his face in his hands, Nick just staring at him, eyebrow raised in amusement, and relief.

"Oh fuck I'm so embarrassed", Steve muffled out sliding his hands down his face looking at his companion with a bashful face.

Nick let out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding, sat up and laughed much to Steves surprise.

"Hahahaha, shit, is that all?", Nick held a his hand over his heart trying to calm the erratic beats as Steve gave him a really weird look.

"I'm so glad, bugger, you gave me a fright", the deep chocolate eyes crinkled at the corners as the man sighed then looked down at his hands, "I thought you were going to tell me you'd changed your mind .......... a-a-about me".

Pulling himself up to sitting Steve twisted himself round to face him, "Fuck no, God Nick you have no idea how much I like you".

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