🔞Further Across The Divide!🔞

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Steve and Nick sat in the pub garden, the two of them facing Corinne as she explained why she did what she did, why she turned into that monster, how she knew she was wrong, and how she regretted every bad thing she'd done.

Her fear when Steve finally lost it at the wedding, how she'd watched them at the pub that day 2 months ago yearning to be a part of what they had.

How seeing Steve and Nick together and so in love, working together, caring for each other, she'd been so wrong about her son, he wasn't a dirty homosexual he was a kind, caring, courageous, amazing young man who just happened to have a male partner, a partner he clearly adored and who adored him.

The two men never uttered a word, they just let her talk and when she stood up to leave they didn't say anything, just watched her go.


Two months later:

A bright Sunday morning.

"Steeeeeve, can we ride today?".

Nick sidled up to his man with a glint in his eye, "mm mm mm, I'd ride you everyday", Steve winked walking round behind his man pressing himself against the taller mans backside, eliciting a gasp and a groan from his lover.

"Ooooooh stop that you tease, you know exactly what I mean, hmmmmm, that's good".

Nick was lost as Steves arms snaked around his waist cupping his hardening length through his jeans with his right hand, the left hand squeezing just above his waistline.

With his mouth pressed against his ear Steve whispered, "I know what you mean, but I want to be the one throbbing between your legs, not my bike!", "aaahhhhssshhhh Steve, hmmm not now I promised we'd go see Chloe and Zak today!", Nick groaned.

"I know, and yes we can take the bike but.....I need to shower first, and you know my arm is still a little weak", he grinned and raised his eyebrows as Nick turned within his hold, "oh yeah?, so you need some help then I guess?".

Steve kissed him, speaking against his lips he murmured, "I know the perfect man for the job".
Nick was squirming by now feeling the zip on his jeans digging into his rapidly hardening shaft that twitched in response to Steves soft kisses.

Taking Steves hand in his they headed to the bathroom, undressing each other as they stayed connected by their lips they moved as one into the shower letting the warm water run over their heads and down their bodies, tickling everywhere it touched.

"Let me look after you today instead?!".

Steve gave Nick his best little lost boy look, pleading eyes, drawing a smirk from the taller man.

"I thought your arm hurt?", Nick raised a brow, a cheeky smirk forming on his lips.

"Well what do you know, it's all better", Steve grinned as Nick laughed quietly shaking his head.

Turning Nick around Steve began to soap his lover top to bottom, pressing his own soapy length into the crease between Nicks perfect cheeks, as his hands slid round, fingers playing with the hard nipples on his newly tattooed chest.

Nick braced himself against the wall pushing his hips back, forcing Steves solid rock even further between causing the man to hiss, pulling back.

The moment he felt the man pull away, he swayed his hips pushing back so the cheeks parted just a bit, looking back over his shoulder he licked his lips.

"Fuck, oh, yes", he gasped as Steve slammed into him full force, right to his hilt.

"Nick, you're just so fucking good, I can't get enough of you .....hufnngg", he rammed in again, this time bringing a hand round to encase Nicks pulsating length holding his hand steady Nick was doing the rest.

On each thrust the man in front of him moved forward jerking into the gripping hand, yelping sharply at each double edged thrust.

"AARRGGH STEVE!, Nick yelled as Steve bit into his shoulder, not hard but hard enough on the oversensitive skin.

"I'm going to......ah ah ah I'm going to cum", Nick panted as the strokes became more frantic.

"Not without me you're not!" his lover groaned.

The grip on his shaft tightened stopping the flow temporarily, as Steve pulled right out to his tip.
Grabbing the younger mans hip with his free hand Steve gave one last penetrating thrust and loosened the hand on his lovers length.


Nick juddered as he and his lover released in tandem while Steve moaned as he spasmed against him, riding high on a wave of pleasure.

"I love you, so much, there just aren't enough words", Steve whispered as he drew out and collapsed against the taller mans back.

Nick turned pulling the mans face up to meet his, those honey brown eyes shining under the wet eyelashes.

"You, are my world", bringing his hands up to lay each palm on Steves face he looked right into his eyes.

"Marry Me Steven Bailey?!".

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