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Maya's POV
July 1st

We've been driving for what feels like forever.

Night has already fallen.

It's made it hard to see the road but not that it was clear before. My eyes are cloudy and with the thoughts puncturing my brain, I only have room for but so much to concentrate on.

I glimpse over at him and then look away quickly. I don't see much of his face but his hand still grips the gun tightly.

What have I gotten myself into?

And Gabby?

I don't even know if I should believe his words. I'm sure I'd feel if what he was saying was true.

But then again, everytime I think about it, everything goes numb.

And then I swerve.

And he gets angry.

"Watch where the fuck you're going," he shouts and I jump right out of the pool of thoughts in my head.

The roads are so long and dark. I lost track of where we are headed miles ago. I have so many questions.

Where is he taking me?

Will he hurt me...again?

Will he kill me?

I look over at him again. It's always been so hard to read him but I trusted him. I trusted him even when he gave me every reason not to.

I waited until it got this far to pay attention. I'm so stupid.

"Pay attention. Turn off right here," he says and I do. I make the turn and we are driving on what looks like a dirt road.

When we approach a house he tells me to pull over. I do but it feels like my hands are cemented to the wheel. They haven't left ten and two since I started driving.

He gets out and then comes to my side of the car. I inhale deeply as he reaches over me to turn the car off.

"Come on," he says talking me by my arm. He continues to hold the gun as he gets all the stuff. Then, he makes me walk in front of him as we approach the house.

He has a key for the door. We enter and it doesn't look as abandoned on the inside as it does on the outside.

He puts his things down and I stand by the door. He then takes the gun and the keys and puts them in a safe.

He sits and starts taking the bandages off his wounds. I'm don't move. I've never been in a situation like this before.

And my usual actions don't seem like they'll be of much help here.

"Come," he says patting the space beside him. I'm still hesitant.

"Maya, come here," he says eerily calm.

I move over to him and sit on the other side of the space he tapped. He starts taking the things from the kit and cleaning his wound.

Once he gets to the wrapping portion, he moves closer to me. I back away but there isn't much of the sofa left.

"Just hold this part right here and tighten it," he says placing my hand on the excess piece of tape. I do as he says. When I'm done he disposes of all the old gauze.

He comes and sits right next to me. I don't dare look at him and that causes him to put his hand on my thigh to gain my attention.

I push his hand and stand.

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