Insecurity Part II

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One Month Later....
Shantelle is lying in bed awake and yet again, Joe has refused to make love to her. When she tries to initiate intimacy, he claims he's tired or not feeling well, and she can't understand it. Deep down, many thoughts are running through her mind. As she lies awake listening to her husband snore lightly, she begins to reflect.....

Shantelle's POV
I'm so depressed. I don't know what's going on. It seems like Joe never wants to have sex anymore and I can't understand it. I mean, is it me? I know I have put on a few pounds lately but that's only because I cook hearty meals. I mean I can't feed a man like Joe bird food, he's a meat and potatoes kind of guy. Could that be the reason? My weight gain has turned him off? Or could it be he's seeing someone else. I mean Joe is a wealthy drop dead gorgeous man who can have any woman he wants, so he has many options. I can't help but wonder if the temptation of being near beautiful women regularly has gotten to him, and he's decided to exercise those options. I don't know what it is but I have started to feel insecure, because I have been nothing but a good and faithful wife to him. I hope that's not the case, because it would destroy me.

As I watch my husband sleep, I reach over and talk to him. He's lying on his side with his back to me, so he probably can't hear me.

"Oh Joe, I'm so sorry that you don't want to make love to me anymore." I say, sobbing. "I don't know what I did, but I am so very sorry. I just hope that you haven't found someone else. I love you so very much and I hope that you still love me too."

After I pour my heart out, I turn over and close my eyes and try to sleep.

Unbeknownst to Shantelle, Joe was wide awake and heard every word she said. To say he was heartbroken, was an understatement. How could she think that he wasn't attracted to her, or that he desired other women? Shantelle was his wife and the only woman that he would ever love and desire. He was so ashamed of not being able to perform sexually due to the medication he was taking, he couldn't bring himself to admit his problem to her. At the same time, the idea that his wife was hurt by his perceived rejection brought tears to his eyes.

"Baby I love you, there's no one else." Joe whispered to his sleeping wife. "I-I wish I had the courage to tell you the truth, but I can't....I just can't."

The Next Morning.....
Joe decided to sleep in late since it was his day off. He was still troubled by not being able to be intimate with his wife, so he was lying in bed staring at the ceiling. He looked over at Shantelle's side of the bed and noticed it was empty...

"I guess she went downstairs to start the day." He thought to himself.

After a few minutes, Joe decided to get out of bed, shower and join his wife downstairs as he was sure she was making breakfast.

As he made his way down stairs, he heard not only his wife's voice, but the voices of three other men. He stopped outside of the kitchen and listened intently to the exchange.

"Thank you so much for the strawberry lemonade and French toast mama. It was delicious. Muy bien." One of them said.

"Mama?! Who the FUCK is up in my muthafuckin' house and calling my woman mama?!" Joe snarled to himself, his jealousy and anger rising.

"Si, you make a good French toast. It make me think of my abuelita in Honduras, she make a French toast too but back home we call it tostada francesca, and she put butter and sugar on it. Taste very good." The other man said.

Just before Joe was going to storm in the kitchen and raise $1000 worth of hell, he heard the third man's voice with a thick Scottish accent.

"Aye lassie, indeed this is great French toast and lemonade, if I must say so." He said.

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