Kiss and Make Up

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Disclaimer: Smut and Daddy Kink

After Joe left, Shantelle continued to cry. She cried long and hard. She cried as if her heart would shatter into a million pieces. She was pregnant and highly emotional. After her tears subsided, she began to mentally reflect over the last several hours.....

Shantelle's POV
After Joe stormed out, I was heartbroken. I can't stand when we argue. I know I shouldn't have said what I said but he just made me so damn mad! I just simply asked what happened and he was so dismissive. I get that he didn't want to talk about it and that's fine, but all I wanted was a few details. But he didn't have to be so damn rude to me, talking to me like I'm his child instead of his spouse. I didn't want to argue and as usual, he had to dictate to me like he's my dad, ordering me back to bed like a child and I wasn't trying to hear it. I mean, I'm pregnant and didn't need any further stress. So I pushed his thick ass out of the way and made my way to one of the bedrooms on the third floor. He kept barking at me and when I got upstairs, I told him that despite everything Darnell had better manners than him at that moment. What did I say that for?

Before I knew it, I hear heavy foot steps and then Joe acting like he was going to tear the door off the hinges. I forgot my husband has a hair trigger and ferocious temper. I know....I know....I should know that by now and chose my words carefully. Then when I think he's calmed down, I come out of the room just to find him sitting by the door and if looks were deadly, I would've been dead as a door nail. I was startled out of my mind and before I could say anything else, he picked me up and carried me back down to our bedroom. When we get back inside, I'm terrified because I don't know what he's gonna do next. So, he sits me on the bed and kisses my stomach. Even though he was gentle, the look on his face told a different story. It was like the calm before a really bad storm. He was pacing the room, back-and-forth, and every so often he would stop and growl at me. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know if he was going to pounce on me at any given moment. To say I was terrified, is the understatement of the century. It was at that moment, that I began to regret my words. I could tell by the look on his face that he was not only pissed off, but broken hearted.

"So you think he's a gentlemen and got better manners than me?" He asked.

"Baby...." I started to say.

"Naw!!! Answer my question!!!!" He screamed, startling me.

I just sat there in silence. Too fearful to answer, for fear that he'd scream again. But it didn't matter....


What did I do at that moment? I told him the truth.

"Yes, he did have good manners and he doesn't yell at me like you do!" I say.

Once again he blames me for his temper and outbursts....

"Well maybe I wouldn't have to yell and scream if you didn't piss me off all the fuckin' time." He snapped, as he stood looking out the window.

And that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I got pissed off and what I said next sent Joe over the edge.....

"Oh so everything is my fault. I swear if I wasn't pregnant, I'd leave you!!!" I snapped.

What did I say that for? Next thing I knew, he turned and looked at me with an expression on his face so evil, it could scare the devil himself. I stood up and started backing away, as he stalked me like an animal stalking its prey. I kept backing up until he had me literally cornered.

He then told me that I would never leave him and if I tried he'd find me. He then admitted what I already knew.....

"I killed his ass and don't you ever repeat it!!" He said with a sick grin on his face and in a voice that made my blood run cold.

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