Changing the Plan

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Since Joe found out that his beloved wife was having his baby, he was over the moon. He was so excited at the idea of being a father that had already started spending thousands of dollars a day on baby clothes and other items he thought that his unborn child would need.

Not only that, he doted on Shantelle, waiting on her hand and foot. He decided that he would hire a housekeeper to help her, but she wouldn't hear of it....

"Baby, I'm fine. I don't need a housekeeper. I can take care of the house and cook. Besides, it gives me an opportunity to still be active. I read somewhere that if you remain active throughout pregnancy, childbirth is much easier." Shantelle said.

"Don't argue with me woman! I'm getting you some help around here and that's final. You know good and well you can't take care of this house by yourself, and I'm not gonna have you cleaning a 14,000 square foot house by yourself, especially now that you're pregnant. The only reason why you don't have one now, is because you insisted. Well, I'm putting my foot down, while you are carrying my child, you will do the bare minimum. Is that clear?" Joe said.

Shantelle stared at her husband in disbelief. She didn't want to be lazy while she was pregnant. She knew Joe meant well, but she still want to be helpful.

"Did you hear me? I said is that clear?" Joe repeated looking at his wife, waiting for a response.

"Did you hear me? I said is that clear?" Joe repeated looking at his wife, waiting for a response

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"Yes baby. I heard you." She sighed, not wanting to argue with Joe any further.

" You're not only gonna have a housekeeper, but a nanny and a private doctor and midwife. I can more than afford it, and I just want the best care for you and my baby that's all." Joe said gently.

"I understand...I really do." She replied.

"Well at least let me make your favorite baked ziti for you this evening." She replied.

Joe hesitated for a moment before speaking.....

Joe hesitated for a moment before speaking

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"Well.....ok....but this is the last week that you're cooking and cleaning. I've contacted an agency, and I begin interviewing for housekeepers and nannies starting tomorrow." He announced.

"Ok". She said, not wanting to argue any further.

Later that evening.....

"That was a good dinner as always baby girl." Joe said as he finished the last of his baked ziti.

"I'm glad you liked it. You know I love cooking and cleaning for my big daddy. I can still do it, big pregnant belly and all." She replied.

"But you're not gonna keep doing it. We've already been over this." Joe sighed, as he rubbed his hands over his face in frustration.

"So what am I supposed to do just let people sit around and wait on me hand and foot, while I eat pickles and strawberry ice cream?" She asked.

Joe then sat up, squared his shoulders and looked at Shantelle before answering...

"Yes." He replied deadpanned.

"I'm just not used to being inactive." She replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"You're not being inactive, you're carrying my child inside of you!" Joe said, slightly raising his voice.

Shantelle eyes began to water and her lips start to quiver....

"Y-you don't have to yell at me." She sobbed.

"Baby, I'm not yelling. I'm just trying to get you to understand that I want you to take it easy, that's all." Joe said softly rubbing her hand.

"I'm just sensitive. Maybe because I'm pregnant." She said.

"It's ok baby." He replied gently.

"Well, I'm gonna go curl up in bed with my phone and read some stories on Wattpad. You wanna join me?" She asked smiling.

"Nah love. You go ahead, I got some work to catch up on and then I'm gonna watch WWE Smackdown in my man cave and then I'll be up." Joe said.

"Ok baby." She said as she cleaned off the table and then went to their bedroom.

A Couple of Hours Later.....

Shantelle was lying in her bed, scrolling through her phone. She enjoyed reading stories on Wattpad as they were well written and she found them very entertaining. At that moment, she thought about everything that had occurred in the last few days. She was excited that she and Joe were going to have a baby. Despite her happiness at the prospect of becoming a mother, she still had revenge on her mind against Darnell. She still felt that Darnell caused problems in her marriage as well as the fact that he possibly played a role in the death of her mother in law. As she scrolled through her phone contacts, she came upon Darnell's phone number, which she saved under Instacart, just in case Joe decided to snoop through her phone. She was going to get the bottom of the case, so she decided to send Darnell a text.....

Shantelle: Hey there
Instacart: Hello. Who is this?
Shantelle: Its me Shantelle
Instacart: Oh hello love. How are you this evening?
Shantelle: I'm ok
Instacart: wyd
Shantelle: Just relaxing.
Instacart: what are you wearing right now? 😜
Shantelle: Really?! Clothes what you think?! Tf
Instacart: I'm just kidding my dear🤣
Shantelle: No you weren't but whatever 🙄
So tell me what happened with the home invasion?
Instacart: I really don't want to text this, can we meet for coffee?
Shantelle: I'll let you know. Gotta go. Good evening.
Instacart: Ok and I also bid you a good evening as well.

"Wow. How am I gonna plan this? Joe watches me like a hawk." She thought to herself.

So she decided to text Joshua....

Shantelle: Hey Josh text me back when you get a minute. I need a favor.

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