Stop It

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After Shantelle returned from the grocery store, she noticed that Joe had returned home.....

"Hey baby..." Joe greeted his wife sheepishly.

"Hey my love." She responded.

"Been to the store, I see." Joe said, taking notice of the groceries on the counter.

"Yeah, I needed to get the ingredients for the macaroni and the peach cobbler for the cookout this evening." Shantelle said, smiling.

"Oh ok..that's cool. By the way, I called Dr. Moore and I have an appointment with her in a couple of days to either switch my medication or give me some other recommendations, so we can resume our sex life, 'cuz I've missed making love to you oh so much my baby." Joe said, as he took his wife into his arms and placed his forehead against hers.

"Oh my sweetheart, I've missed you too, you just don't know how much." Shantelle replied, as she kissed him passionately.

"I love you baby girl. Don't ever forget that." Joe said, passionately.

"And I love you too my Big Daddy." Shantelle replied.

As Shantelle started preparing the macaroni and cheese, Joe sat at the kitchen table watching his wife work with the biggest smile on his face.

"You're such a wonderful cook, I swear if I didn't work out, I'd be fat as hell." Joe teased.

"Well I have to be, else you probably wouldn't keep me around." She joked.

"Nah that's not true, I'd keep you even if you couldn't boil water." He laughed.

"Oh baby you're so sweet." She said, shyly.

"It's true baby. You're my dream girl, you're gorgeous, smart, sweet and can cook. I can't wait until you bear my children, you're so smart, I have no doubt that you'll teach my children well too." Joe said, getting emotional.

"It's interesting you bring the teaching up, as I had a teaching moment at the grocery store today." She said.

"Oh yeah? How's that." Joe asked.

"Well, as I was looking for the peaches for the cobbler, a gentleman came up to me and asked me how to pick good peaches." She said, casually.

Joe's lips started to get tight, and started to twitch.

Joe's lips started to get tight, and started to twitch

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"Did he now?" He said tightly. "And what did you say?"

"Yes and I explained that the softer the peaches were, the sweeter they were. I also told him that those particular peaches were for eating, but cooking peaches needed to be more firm and less ripe. He was such a nice man, he introduced himself and then kissed my hand." Shantelle said, casually as her back was turned to Joe.

At that moment, the smile immediately died on Joe's face.


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