Shantelle's POV

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****I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the family of James Mtume, the leader of the 1980s R &B band Mtume, whose smash hit "You, Me and He" this story is inspired*********

Shantelle's POV

Hi there! My name is Shantelle Morgan- Anoa'i. I am 29 years old and I am married to Joe Anoa'i, who is a real estate developer here in Florida. Before I got married, I taught United States history at Pensacola High School, and I truly enjoyed it. I have always been a big fan of history and an even bigger fan of the history of the presidency of the United States. When I was growing up, I was probably one of very few children that could hold conversations with adults regarding politics and democracy. When I graduated high school and went on to college, I initially majored in biology because I had planned to go to pharmacy school, but my love of history outweighed my desire to enter the health care field. So what did I do? Against the wishes of my parents, I followed my heart and I changed my major to history and graduated with a Bachelor's of Arts in History. After graduation, I took a job as a substitute teacher at Pensacola High School. It didn't pay much but I didn't care because I love history  and I loved teaching, so since I was doing something that I loved and that was all that mattered.

I continued to substitute teach until I was offered a full time teaching position as a history teacher 6 months later. There were not enough words to express my excitement. I was finally able to teach a subject that I loved very much on a full time basis. While teaching, I made a lot of friends among the other teachers and staff at the school. I became very close with Sarah, who taught AP Honors Chemistry. She and I started around the same time and we hit it off immediately.

About a year after I became full time, Sarah became engaged to her college sweetheart, Daniel. Daniel was an investment banker who worked at Merrill Lynch, and was recently promoted to senior partner. Sarah was so excited, she invited me to a celebratory gathering and it was there that I met Joe. I mean, I don't think I had ever seen a more handsome man in all my life. He was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome.

"Oh my god, thank you for coming!" Sarah said excitedly, giving me a big hug as I entered the restaurant

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"Oh my god, thank you for coming!" Sarah said excitedly, giving me a big hug as I entered the restaurant. "There is someone I'd like you to meet!"

"Shantelle, this is Daniel's frat brother Joe...Joe this is my friend and colleague Shantelle". She said, introducing us.

"Well, hello there...Sarah, you didn't tell me you had such gorgeous friends". Joe said, his deep rich voice sending chills down my spine.

"Good old Joe, always the charmer." Sarah laughed.

"What?", Joe said, laughing but then becoming serious. "It's true, she's gorgeous."

Suddenly, my face felt warm as Joe's gaze washed over me. His brown eyes and warm smile made me melt.

For the remainder of the evening, Joe and I were inseparable. We must've talked for hours about our backgrounds, our families and our favorite things and found that we have more in common than I thought. We are family oriented and we both love old school cartoons and tv shows, football and professional wrestling. I also discovered that we are both foodies and love to cook. At the end of the night, we exchanged phone numbers and promised to keep in contact.

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