Instacart Ignorance-Part 1

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A Month Later......
Shantelle and Joe were mending their marriage and getting it back on track. Joe had sworn off all forms of alcohol. He had even become more attentive, spoiling Shantelle with everything from breakfast in bed and dozens of roses every other day to buying expensive gifts including fancy jewelry, more clothes and two more cars. She was loving the attention and the fact that her husband showing her how remorseful he was for what he had done to her, even though he still didn't remember. But in Joe's mind, it didn't matter. His main goal was to keep his wife happy and to protect her from everything and everyone—including himself.

As it relates to their sex life, it had slowed down to only kissing and cuddling as Shantelle was not ready to engage in sexual activities with him just yet. Surprisingly, Joe was understanding and didn't push the issue. However, he was still insistent on Shantelle ordering the groceries via Instacart. Since the incident with Darnell, he did not want to take any chances of Darnell or any other man getting near his wife. That was one thing that was non-negotiable. However, Shantelle agreed to only doing Instacart for her groceries and staying out of the supermarkets. She believed that if she agreed to her husband's requests, it will keep down the drama in their marriage.

The next day, Shantelle was completing her daily housework and Joe decided to take the day off. She noticed that she needed to do her grocery shopping...

"Man, I've really been slacking on keep the fridge and cabinet stocked. I'm all out of fruits, vegetables, milk, cereal, meat, fish—everything. I should know better....Joe's got the appetite of 3 men. But given what's happened, I guess I wasn't up for it. But it doesn't matter, my wifely duties don't stop because I'm feeling a certain way. I mean let's face it, Joe still goes out and brings home the money, even when he doesn't feel well, there's no excuse." She said to herself.

As Shantelle sat at the kitchen table writing out her grocery list, Joe came and sat down next to her at the kitchen table.

"Hey baby girl." Joe said softly.

"Hey". Shantelle replied, continuing to write her list.

"You busy?" He asked.

"Just making out my grocery list for Instacart. Is there anything else extra you want?" She asked.

"Well can you get some extra ground beef and some angus steaks. I was thinking of hosting a barbecue and having the twins, Solo and their wives over. What do you think?" He asked.

"That's fine..whatever you want babe." She replied.

"Listen, I just wanna say thank you for forgiving me. And I just wanna also say that I love you so very much and that you mean the world to me. You just don't know how much it killed me knowing that I hurt you, and although you said you forgive me, I'm gonna spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love and adore you, and as God is my witness, I'll never doing anything to hurt you again." Joe said.

Shantelle stopped writing and looked up at her husband

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Shantelle stopped writing and looked up at her husband.

"Baby...I said I forgive you. There's no need for you to keep beating yourself up over it. Can we please move on?" Shantelle sighed.

"I know sweetheart...I....just feel like a heel...knowing I hurt my baby." Joe said sadly.

"I'm ok. I love you Joe. Even though you piss me off with your jealousy and possessiveness. There's no other man in the world or universe for me." She said softly.

"I-I know baby, I can't help it. You're so beautiful, sexy and sweet, and I just want you all to myself. I hate when other men look at you, because I feel like someone who looks better than me, got more money than me and maybe even younger than me could sweep you off your feet and take you from me." Joe said sadly, holding his head down.

Shantelle couldn't believe what she was hearing. Didn't he know how gorgeous and sexy he was? In her mind, she was jackpot lucky to have him, not the other way around. She stood up and grabbed his hand and led him to the mirror that was in their foyer...

"Look there....what do you see?" She asked Joe, as she pointed to the mirror.

"I see me". He replied, not understanding where she was going with the question.

"You know what I see?" She asked, as she stood behind him.


"I see a man who's beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside. I also see a man who has a big heart. I see not only physically strong man, but one who's mentally strong too. I also see a man who's kind and generous and one who is an amazing lover. And it is these qualities that made me fall deeply in love with him, and when he asked me to marry him, I couldn't help but say yes. And one day, I hope to bear his children." Shantelle said as she watched her husband through the mirror and saw his smile and tears slide down his cheeks.

Joe turned away from the mirror and wrapped his arms around his wife....

"Oh baby girl, why do you love me so much? What did I do to be blessed with you?" He asked as he put his forehead to hers staring deeply into her eyes.

"We were meant to be together." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

With those words, Joe wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her so passionately and intensely, when they pulled apart she was breathless.

"Oh my. Maybe this is the reason I love you, you're so passionate." She said.

"I am passionate, especially about those I love." Joe replied.

A Short Time Later.......
Shantelle and Joe made out in the family room. They didn't have sex but they made out kissing and groping like horny teenagers and Joe couldn't get enough, so much that he was trying to undress her.

"Come on baby." Joe moaned as he was kissing on her neck.

"Not now Joe, the groceries from Instacart will be here soon." Shantelle said, as she her shirt back on.

"Aight fine." Joe grumbled as he put his shirt back on.

Twenty Minutes Later........
Shantelle received an text message alerting her that the groceries from Instacart had arrived.

"Babe, the groceries arrived. I'll go get them." Shantelle said.

"Ok baby girl. Let me know if you need help, I'll be in my office." Joe said.

"Ok." She said smiling as she went to the door.

However, the smile on Shantelle's face immediately died when she opened the door and saw who the deliverer was.....

However, the smile on Shantelle's face immediately died when she opened the door and saw who the deliverer was

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Uh oh. 😳Is World War 3, 4, 5 about to erupt?
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Next chapter: Instacart Ignorance Part 2

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