It's Time

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Several Months Later.....

Shantelle and Joe's marriage improved significantly. She was now nearly 9 months pregnant and her due date was fast approaching, as she was due in approximately three weeks. As promised, Joe had hired a nanny, doctor and midwife and a housekeeper, so that she could have an easy pregnancy and delivery. Not only that, Joe spoiled Shantelle rotten, he bought her 10 dozen red roses weekly and every few days, he would surprise her with a gift, whether it was jewelry or other loving trinkets. More importantly, Joe had been more laid back, less impulsive, more patient, less controlling and jealous and more understanding. The advice that his cousins had given him really stuck, and not only that, they were about to become parents and as they told him, it wouldn't be good to raise a child in a toxic environment. Also, Joe was attending parenting workshops and Lamaze classes with her, because he intended to be present during the birth of his child.

As they were at home having lunch, they were holding hands and giving each other small kisses, light caresses and loving gazes....

"Gosh, you are so beautiful, baby girl." Joe said, as he gently rubbed her swollen belly.

"Thank you baby." She replied, blushing under husband's heated gaze.

And then it happened.......

"Uh-oh." Shantelle whispered in a panic as she released Joe's hand to clutch her stomach.

"What's the matter baby?" Joe asked, clearly worried.

"M-my water broke! I think the baby's coming!"

Joe looked down and noticed a puddle around her feet.

"Oh shit!" He exclaimed in a panic.

"Joe! Don't just sit there! The baby's coming! Do something...please!" She cried.

"Uh....ok....ok....I'm..." Joe stammered, unsure as to what to do.

"C-call the doctor, baby." She said in a calm voice, yet rolling her eyes in annoyance, as she also performed the breathing exercises she had learned in her Lamaze classes.

"Uh...yeah...right." Joe said, as he pulled out his phone and dialed the doctor with shaking hands. His hands were shaking so bad that he nearly dropped the phone.

"Arrggggghhh. Please hurry up!" Shantelle cried out in pain.

"Ok baby, everything is gonna be ok. I-I called the doctor and she's sending the ambulance and will meet us at the hospital." Joe said, his voice shaking with nervousness and worry.

" hurts." Shantelle whimpered in pain.

"I know...I'm here baby, don't worry." Joe said in an attempt to keep his wife calm.

When the ambulance arrived, she and Joe were transported to the hospital's maternity ward, where she remained in labor for the next 6 hours.....

Six Hours Later.....

"Argggghhhhh!!!!!!" Shantelle cried out in pain.

"Come on Angel, you got this! Push!!!" Joe encouraged her as he held her hand.

At that moment, Shantelle snapped in anger, jerking her hand out of Joe's grasp.

"Oh shut up Leati Joseph Anoa'i!!! Don't ever touch me again, do you understand me!!! This is your fault!!! You just couldnt keep your hands and that third leg that you call a dick to yourself, could you?!!! Now look!!! Arrggghhhhh!!!! It hurts so bad!!!!" Shantelle yelled.

Suprisingly, Joe didnt get upset as he knew that his wife didnt mean it, as she was talking due to the pain.

"Come on Mrs. Anoa'i, I see the head.... she's almost here, give me one more big push!" The doctor instructed.

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