Feeling Guilty

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I appreciate the reads for this. Y'all are the best!!

As Joe got in the car and pulled out of the garage and proceeded to drive off, he began to feel guilty and slightly embarrassed about what had just transpired at home. As he made the half hour drive to the office, he began to reflect....

Joe's POV
What a shitty way to start the day. It started out good, my sweet baby girl made me a wonderful breakfast, and she showed me, as she does every day, how much she loves me. Then I go upstairs with a smile on my face to get ready to tackle the day and when I come back down, this little sawed off runt of a next door neighbor is in my house trying to spit game to my woman. The idea that some asshole was flirting with my wife in my own house made my fucking blood boil and made me see red. I felt disrespected as a husband and more so as a man. And on top of that, the little runt had the nerve to tell my wife to be careful around me and that I'm crazy? Yeah aight, his ass ain't seen fucking crazy, I wrote the book on crazy. But Shantelle knows she doesn't have to be afraid of me.. I love that woman with everything in my soul and wouldn't harm a hair on her pretty little head. I admit I do have issues with anger, jealousy and possessiveness, but I am receiving treatment for it. Shantelle doesn't know that I see a counselor and am taking medication for it. Well, actually the truth is, I haven't seen my counselor in some time and I stopped taking my anti-depression and anti-anxiety medications because since I fell in love and got married, I haven't had the need for them. But today I was triggered, so I think I'm gonna take them and then make an appointment to see my psychiatrist. Because the last thing I wanna do is frighten my baby into leaving me. But I'm not gonna let her leave me regardless....as I told her when we first married, if I can't have her...nobody can have her. I mean that from the very bottom of my heart.

As I pull into the parking garage of the office building, I turn off the engine and look at myself in the rear view mirror....

"Joe you got to get a grip on yourself." I say.

I then get on the phone and make my psychiatrist appointment for next week. After that, I call Shantelle.....

"Hello?" She answers on the second ring.

"H-hey baby." I say, sounding sheepish as hell, a far different attitude from an hour ago.

"Hey baby." She responds, her voice still very sweet, which makes me feel even worse because she had every right to cuss my ass out.

"Listen, I'm sorry for overreacting this morning. You were right, it was totally unnecessary and I'm not gonna sit here and make excuses for my behavior. I just want you to forgive me." I say.

"It's ok baby, I forgive you, I was just a little surprised because I had never seen that side of you before." She says.

"I-I know baby and believe me, it killed me to have you see me like that. It was just the idea of another man coming on to you, just sent me somewhere else." I explain.

"But you know I love you right and would never do anything to hurt or disrespect you right?" She says.

"Yeah baby I know." I say.

"And don't you ever forget it Joseph Anoa'i." She says in her sweet but teasing voice. "Since you spoiled the surprise, I'm still gonna make lasagna and your favorite German chocolate cake, but that's not the only dessert you're gonna get....cake isn't the only thing you're gonna eat."

Just then my pants started to feel uncomfortable as my manhood started to grow...

"Girl...don't you start no shit! I'll reschedule this meeting, turn this car around and come back home." I say, sounding thirsty as fuck.

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