Time to Pay the Piper- Part 2

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Friday Late Afternoon....5:00 pm

Joe was on edge. In a couple of hours, he would come face to face with the asshole who butchered his beautiful mother. The entire day, his thoughts were consumed with all the ways that he would make him suffer. As the time grew near, he became more and more enraged and hellbent on violent and bloody retribution. Not only would he pay for killing his mother, but he would also pay for coming on to his wife. His lust for Shantelle, in Joe's mind, was a carnal sin. The very idea of Darnell trying to be with his woman, was a penalty that condemned him to death. Joe was going to be his  judge, jury and executioner and he was not going to show him any mercy.

As he was deep in thought, he was startled by his phone ringing....it was Josh.


"Aye big Uce! So.......you ready to do this?" Josh asked.

"You already know." Joe replied.

"Did you find the spot?" Josh asked.

"Yup, it's already picked. It's one of my spare warehouses that I keep building materials. It's on the outskirts of Pensacola, and its on a dead end street and there ain't no houses or other businesses for miles around. Only me and my chief foreman Kevin Owens know about it and I pay Kev so much money, he ain't gonna say shit."

"Bet. So text me the address and when we scoop his  ass up, that's where will bring him." Josh said.

"Aight cool. And I'll be there waiting on his bitch ass." Joe hissed, as he texted his cousin the information.

"Ok I just sent it. Did you get it?"


Two Hours Later......

Joe's POV
Well the time is almost here and strangely, I'm feeling mixed emotions. A part of me is excited that I'll be able to exact vengeance on the asshole that killed my mom and disrespected my wife. But another part of me is nervous and scared. Why am I nervous? Have no idea, I just know that I'm nervous because this will be the first time that I've killed someone. I have a lot of questions running through my head. Will I get caught? Will someone snitch on me? But then I remember, my mother lying dead in a pool of blood, her eyes wide open and full of fear, and immediately that fear goes away and is once again replaced with sheer and blinding rage.

As I get my tools of torture together to put in my duffel bag: a machete, my . 357 magnum, a rusty box cutter, a pack of razor blades, rubber gloves, a small bottle of bleach, a small bottle of hydrochloric acid, and a pair of razor sharp scissors, I hear Shantelle come into my office....

"Hey my baby." I say calmly as I turn around to acknowledge her presence.

"Hey my love." She replies with a soft smile.

"How you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm ok, I'm just always hungry and always want to take a nap." She says.

"Well baby, you're eating for two now." I say, as I walk over to her and place my hand on her still flat abdomen.

"I know. I'm just afraid I'm gonna be big as a house before I'm done." She said.

"It doesn't matter. As long as my baby comes out healthy and you are ok, I don't care about that." I say as I bend down to kiss her stomach.

At that moment, I changed the subject to the deed that was about to do....

"Well.... I gotta go. It's time to handle business." I say as I go over to my desk and zip my duffel bag.

"A-Are you sure you wanna do this?" She asked, her eyes wide with fear.

"Yes baby. You know I have to do this." I say with a deadpanned stare.

"W-Well.....just be careful." She said, as she walked out of my office.

After she left, I called Josh....

"What up Uce." He answered on the first ring.

"I'm on my way to the warehouse." I tell him.

"Bet. Me, Jon and Solo are already at the restaurant waitin' on playboy to show his ass." He said.

"Aight cool. I'll see y'all in a minute."

"I'll text you when we on the way."

"See you soon." I say before hanging up.

After I got off the phone with Josh, I pulled out my .357 and put the clip in....

"Yeah muthafucka...you killed my mother and now you wanna dance with my woman? It's time for yo' ass to pay the piper bitch!!!!!!!" I growl to myself as I stare at my loaded gun with a sadistic grin on my face.

you killed my mother and now you wanna dance with my woman? It's time for yo' ass to pay the piper bitch!!!!!!!" I growl to myself as I stare at my loaded gun with a sadistic  grin on my face

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