Calming Down

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After Joe left the house, he went into the garage and got in his car and sat there for a few minutes. He needed to get some space and some air. After everything that had transpired over the last 36 hours, he felt he needed to clear his head. He had killed and dismembered a man who had murdered his mother and this same individual had planned on drugging and raping his wife. So what else was he supposed to do? He did the only thing he knew to do—exact bloody retribution. What made matters worse was that he had a vicious argument with his beloved wife. He hated arguing with her and it really made him feel bad,
because if there was one thing he hated more than anything in this entire world, it was fighting with Shantelle. Didn't she know he loved her with his entire being? Didn't he know he would move heaven and earth to make her happy? Didn't she know that he would literally spill blood for her?

He closed his eyes briefly, took a deep breath and pulled out of the garage and proceeded to drive down the street. He didn't know where he was going, but he needed to be alone at this particular moment. As he was driving, he began to mentally reflect.....

Joe's POV

I can't believe this. How did all this get out of control? Yes, I got revenge on my mother's killer and stopped a sexual deviant from preying on my dear sweet wife. But when I get home, I get into it with my woman, and over something stupid at that. And then she has the nerve to tell me that piece of shit had good manners and was a gentleman. Like are you fucking serious? That asshole was plotting to rape her and do God knows what else. Not to mention, he showed absolutely no remorse for what he did to my mother. And it's for those reasons that I had no choice but to kill his worthless ass. I swore among myself and my cousins that we would keep what happened to ourselves, but when I get home, my wife questions me about what happened and when I tell her to drop it, she gets an attitude. So what did I do? I did what I always do as the head of my household, I checked my wife about her attitude. So what does she do? She talks back to me and that pissed me off. I don't like when she talks back to me, I run the household, I take damn good care of her and I expect her to be the sweet submissive and obedient wife that she's been up to this point.

So we argue and then she says with her whole chest that despite everything that muthafucka was a polite gentleman with good manners after storming out of our bedroom. I mean, in any other circumstance, it would be hilarious, but instead it pissed me off to no end. So much that I tried to rip the door clean off the hinges. Then she tells me if she wasn't pregnant, she'd leave me. That's when I really lost my shit, because I've said time and time again that she belongs to me and if I can't have her, nobody can and I mean exactly that! That's why I had to get out of the house because if I stayed another second, there's no telling what I would have done because I was just that damn angry. Because I don't tolerate being threatened with abandonment and my child possibly being taken away from me.

So as I'm driving, I decide to go and visit my cousins, as they are the only ones that talk some sense into me and calm me down.

When I pull into Josh's driveway, I see my cousins outside, and as usual, they are setting up the grill like they are about to barbecue. I swear these muthafuckas love to cook on the grill, I chuckle to myself.

When I get out of the car, Josh is the first to notice me and alerts his twin of my presence.....

"Wassup y'all." I say as I walk toward them.

"What's good Uce." Josh said, dapping me up.

"Hey Uce." Jon replied.

"What y'all got goin' on?" I ask.

"Shit nothing, just throwing some meat on the grill. Jon had a taste for some barbecue." Josh said laughing.

"Whatchu mean I had a taste for barbecue? It was yo' idea Uce!" Jon scoffed jokingly at his twin.

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