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I unluckily worked for NIB which I truly didn't wanted to. I never thought that learning just self-defense would cost me to become a spy of NIB. It's good that Arura was not with me although I wanted her but not as a spying partner, at least not among these freaks.

I was walking in the hallway of the building making my way to the office. As I reached the office door I took one long breath before pushing the massive dragon-engraved metallic door. I stood in front of Shaomi's huge office table.

He was writing some sort of calligraphy. I cleared my throat to grab his attention. He looked at me for a moment and once again started writing. I stood there waiting for him to say something but that darn old man won't speak anything. I felt sleepy. At first, it was hard for me to work for them and it still is. Even if I refused to go near men, Shaomi would force me and train me personally and Cube would always be by my side.

"Dark, here you are." He interlocked his fingers and put both his hands under his chin.

"Master." I nodded.

"Good to hear that you successfully did this project. And you may take your seat."

I sat on the seat crossing one leg over another. "So why am I called here?" I asked.

"Well, I see you have improved from the last year. And you very well know why I want you." I nodded in response, of course, I knew what he wanted from me. NIB was exactly not a legal system in my eyes but in the human world, it was just another trading company... But even the police couldn't do anything to NIB. I know this sounds insane but humans didn't run NIB. Like real, I wouldn't have believed it for once if Shaomi didn't show me what others could do here. Most of them were demons, faes, shifters, and witches except for me of course, who was simply a human.

I was odd among those evens. But Shaomi never treated me differently from them. Because I was the important weapon that kept him connected to the human world, well that's what he told me. For two years he gave me small projects that were mostly related to human mob bosses or gangsters. But later I got to know he was preparing me for something big. He was sent to earth to keep the check on other demons and angels as he was a demigod. He was asked to keep the angels and demons in check, he was also a bargainer who provided information for a very hefty price.

Cube was a succubus and the only one who considered me a friend. When I came here at first everyone looked at me with disgust and some with hunger. It felt like once again I was living in my past where people bullied me and looked down upon me. But cube always reminded me that I was much stronger than that, stronger than a normal human. At first, I laughed at her thinking that she was joking but later I knew that she meant everything. And sometimes I was simply jealous of her because she was confident in herself and her body, she was a succubus after all. They were born with temptation and sex, within themselves.

"What do you want?" I asked cutting my train of thoughts.

"This one can be long-term, and this time you will actually enter a demon world." He said.

"So basically you want me to die," I stated impatiently. My heartbeat was beating so fast that I thought I might crack some ribs. I didn't want to do this.

"You are scared." He stated.

"I'm not." I snapped.

"I can hear your racing heartbeat, Dark." He gave me an irritated look. Of course, he could, he was a demon, after all, damn it. I hated the word Dark, which they gave me because of my Dark soul and dark mind. I might have a dark soul but I never once tried to do wrong to innocent people. I might have killed so many with my bare hands, but none of them were innocent.

"Then why would you throw me to some demon, to die?" I sighed.

"I won't let you die dark, that's for sure. It's just that this demon needs to be controlled." He informed and took out a folder from his drawer. Cube taught me everything about demons right from the start till the end. So I practically knew each and everything about them.

"Who is it then?" I asked as I snapped my spine straight. Shaomi floated the folder towards me with the flick of his hand. I clenched my fist at his little act. "This demon cannot walk on earth without leaving destruction behind him. Or that's what I am told." His voice dropped at the last line. "So, what you need to do is find out what kind of demon he is, and also we have to capture him. He is dangerous to this world dark." He warned. "We will do everything to keep you safe. You are precious to me young lady, you won't die because of any demon." Shaomi looked at me with such intensity that it almost made me shiver. He was like a father figure to me after all. I nodded and went through the file.

I sucked in a sharp breath when I read the name 'Rowen Hades'. I looked at Shaomi with horror in my eyes. "You mean he is a demon?"

Shaomi nodded in confirmation and sank back into his seat. "He is rumored to possess extreme power among demons. We won't be able to kill him if we don't know what exactly he is."

"But why would you send a normal human like me to capture him?"

"Because not even Hades would have thought that a normal human will be the death of him. You don't have to fight him Dark. Because we both know that he will kill you with a flick of his finger. You just have to spy there and report us as soon as you get the lead."

I looked at him as if he had lost his mind. Because who could he just hang me in front of the monster, who can't even defend herself? And that too a monster who is rumored to be the most powerful demon in existence. I closed my eyes to calm myself and nodded.

"You will be free after this Azura, you don't have to work for NIB later if you help us capture him." He added. In other words, I would get my freedom in exchange for capturing a powerful demon who could most certainly kill me.

"I will do it." I breathed out because I didn't have any other choice. Just the thought of looking at those dark eyes made me want to run away and hide. When was the last time I met him? Right, when he saved me from crossing down the road and almost killing myself. And also where he told me "Get going to your house kid. Sleep, you look tired." I huffed at the memory and got up to leave the room.

"So how are you going to do it?" He asked.

"You will see." But I didn't know how was I going to do it.

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