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"Do it once again, it is an important move," he commanded sternly. This man has gone mad he wants me to learn kendo... What am I? A robot? How can I learn it within one year? I can't retreat I have already signed an agreement that no matter what I won't withdraw, even if it costs my life. I always wanted to learn more when it came to martial arts and fighting. At least it gave me hope, hope for what? I don't know myself.

I signed it because I know I don't have a future I don't have anyone for whom I want to live except my parents. But it will be excellent if I am gone for good. I don't have any reason to live. Thinking of Arura she will manage I know. She will have a person whom she will love and have a family but It's not the same in my case. Everything right from my childhood has been hard.

I know, so many people have seen worse than me and are still fighting. But I am not as good as them. I am already breaking down, I don't even know for how long I will stand. So I have to do whatever Shaomi says. And the good thing was he was also working on my anxiety and fear of people. It's not like he knows my history or the reason why I am like this but he said that I need to come out of my shell because it will help me in the future.

"Do it once again," he said hitting my head.

"Fuck it." We were still not on good terms. But I think I made him angry because of a sudden change in his facial expression.

"Two rounds of the hill now," he commanded. Wait, for what!?

"Are you kidding me? And why, what did I do?" I shouted.

"Rule number one respect your master no matter what. And like I said earlier if I hear you swear, you have to be ready for punishment. And if you do it again consequences will be worse."

Great I dug a deep hole for myself and I have to jog down the hill and come again and that even two fucking times.

"Ow... Ow...Ouch...Ehhhhh." I groaned in pain with every step that I took out of my bed the next day. These damn cramps. My whole body aches as if Satan has himself arisen on earth to torture me. Don't know how am I going to walk around. I washed somewhat robotically and changed myself into black cargo jeans and a dark grey turtle neck top. And slipped my feet into grey ankle boots. Arura was in the kitchen eating her cereal bowl and her eyes were on her phone. She was wearing slim jeans and a peanut green top.

"Stop checking me out and eat your breakfast," she said never leaving her eyes from the phone.

"You look hot." I flirted sitting next to her stool.

"Is that so?" she smiled.

We left our apartment and were on our way to college. "Why are you walking like an old penguin?" She looked at me weirdly.

"Please don't ask. It makes me feel like, killing that old man." I hissed in pain.

"Good that I was not there."

"Okay bye you reached your destination but I have to Penguin waddle further ."

My bones are going to crack up anytime soon. But the good thing is that Mrs. Rachel our economics teacher is busy in the examination department which means my two classes were free. So I went to the library to complete my pending assignments and prepare for our upcoming exams.

"Excuse me?" I looked up at the person. She was the librarian who was looking at me impatiently. "Yes?" I asked cocking my head.

"You're Azura Norwood, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am."

"Someone is waiting for you outside." She informed and went back to her seat. I looked at her retreating back and shut my books close. I walked out to look at my visitor. Two people waiting for me. I remember them I guess. Weren't they with Rowen Hades the day before yesterday? They walked toward me, and the women looked at me and smiled politely.

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