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I jumped onto the main deck of the ship. If I don't find that creature, I will be dead meat. I pleaded Liam, to let me investigate through the ship at the ports. At first, he denied but after a very lot of pointless threats he agreed. Rowen won't allow me to come here but Liam told me not to tell him and disappoint him, I didn't give a damn about his feelings.

The worst part was I didn't know, how exactly was I going to find that soulless creature. Rowen still didn't trust me, Fuck him and his bulldog. Liam was far better than them, I won't say I liked him because he was my enemy after all. Not only him but all of his sentries were hella badass. But me being me I never liked anyone's company. That's how I have always been, it has always been hard for me to accept people. Maybe because of the doubt that I always had in people around me.

"Why do you think he would be here in ports? He could be anywhere, we never know." Liam said as he gracefully jumped behind me. He was well built and very handsome but in a classy way. But then all of Rowen's sentries were hot as fuck, even that giant bull could clean himself quite very well.

"He is a Kobalos right?" I asked Liam. He nodded in agreement but didn't understand my point. Kobaloi or in simpler human terms goblins are mischievous creatures fond of tricking and frightening mortals. "And as far as I know they are mostly mischievous, quite greedy and cunning but nothing dangerous. So why would he risk betraying Rowen and even if he did I don't think he would be able to run from Rowen knowing how dangerous he is. So what would he do?"

"He would hide." He completed as the realization hit him and he cursed under his breath.

"Are you sure he was last seen here?" I asked.

"Dead sure." He nodded.

"So we should find him shall we, you go that way and I will check the boats," I said. He hesitated for a moment and shook his head. I gave him a questioning look.

"He is a demon and you are a human, are you sure you will fight him?"

"Don't underestimate me because I'm a human Liam. There is nothing you know about me. I have fought enough in my life to reach here and still, I was fighting demons when you all were not here to protect me." I explained. Liam wanted to say something but I shot him a glare which made him back away and he went on his way.

I looked around myself as people were busy loading and unloading their goods. I looked from boat to boat and found nothing. I jumped onto another mostly empty boat and quickly sneaked inside the ship before anyone could catch me. I tiptoed inside the cell and looked inside the drawers and the trunks but nothing important was there.

I felt something brush on my back and I immediately whirled around but found no one. My nerves hummed with the power around me, it wasn't too weak but it wasn't powerful either. I could feel the presence of that goblin around me. And he was trying to scare me. I'm a human, but that doesn't mean that he could scare me.

I felt a presence behind me but when I turned around there was nothing. He was playing with me.

"Tik-Tok-Tik-Tok." I heard the whispers in my ear. I looked at my side but nothing. When I walked to the door I felt a tap on my shoulder but this time I didn't turn around. And then he came near my ear and said "A human."

I turned around so quickly and shot my arms that it slammed on his chest. He went flying to the other side of the cell and looked surprised and in pain. But he quickly got on his knees and lunged at me and in the next moment, my back hit the metallic door so hard that all the air was knocked out of my lungs. My jaw was hurting and I tasted blood in my mouth. That motherfucker.

He backed away and looked around the room. Oh hell no he couldn't run. I immediately shot out my hand and grabbed his ankle and hurled the power inside his body that he shrieked so loud that I had to cover my ear with my free hand. He tried to kick my hand away but I tightened my grip and surged more power. He sobbed and cried and then finally after some time he fainted.

I brought myself on all fours and groaned in pain, shit my back. Suddenly the door barged open and Liam came inside. He looked down at me and then at Raven. I sighed in relief and slowly got up.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yup," I answered as I dusted my hands.

"Is he alive?" He asked nodding behind my back.

"Oh, he just fainted," I assured him. "Now let's go. But how are we going to take him?"

"Do not worry, that would be taken care of." He said as he walked toward him and crouched down to check up on him. "You gave him a pretty hard blow."

"He deserved that for almost blowing my ears," I grumbled.

For the next two days, I didn't see Rowen nor his sentries. Maybe they were busy interrogating Raven. They didn't even bother to inform me about what they found. I deserved to know after almost breaking my back. No matter how many people or creatures were around me, at last I was alone. Neglected by everyone just like in my childhood.

I was panting heavily as the sweat was dripping off my chin. I dribbled the ball again aiming at the ring. And shot a basket, I finally laid on my back panting, trying to catch my breath as my chest was raising and falling rapidly. And my eyes became blurry due to the immense pain that I felt in my chest, thinking that my parents are not ready to understand me.

The next day, I went to the gym that I had in my house to shed all my anger. I felt useless, completely and utterly coward. I punched the bag rapidly until I felt current running through my knuckles. I held the bag and leaned my forehead against it, and finally, I let a tear slip off my eyes. I panted and cried at the same time. Everyone was selfish, Rowen, Shaomi, my parents... everyone.

I heard my phone ringing at my side on a side bench. I looked at the caller ID and answered the call.


"Are you alright?" Arura asked faintly.

"Hmm," hummed.

"But you don't sound happy." I didn't respond, she knew me well, so there was no use in lying. "I heard from your parents, they are angry with you," she added.

"They think I am selfish," I said in a stern voice.

"No you are not," she sighed "so are you planning to come, your brother is getting married?

"You know I won't, I would never want to see them again," I said gritting my teeth. There was a long pause on the other side.

"I won't force you to come, but what about your parents?"

"I know I am being selfish but it's not just because of my brothers that I am not coming, you know there are other reasons too."

"Yeah, I get it. Just stay strong Azura, you know I am always by your side."

"So are you going to his wedding, I heard that you are invited?"

"Much to my displease I have to go, but I am afraid that I will strangle him if he comes in front of me." Arura huffed.

"Can I talk to you later, I need to go to work?" I lied.

"Yeah, sure. Just... take care."

"I will. Bye."

I looked at the ceiling and took a long breath. You can do this Azura, you have to live more. Just don't give up.

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