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"I cannot believe she is the reaper of souls!" Exclaimed Mara. I massaged my temple in annoyance.

"But she is human." Liam thought in confusion.

"Didn't you see she practically sucked the soul out of her body?" She asked.

"Liam, is she awake?" I asked cutting them off. The sentries in my office were stressed at what they encountered when Azura was in my arms. I too was surprised when she snatched the soul out of that girl's body and took it in herself. She could intake the souls of humans, which was hard for me to digest. Because she was human for crying out loud. Not even demons had that capability, except for some.

"No, not yet." He answered as he ran his hand through his hair time and again. "She is human, not even a demigod. The healer himself confirmed that. I don't know what we aren't catching here, Rowen. What do you think about how she did that?"

"That can be answered but only Azura itself," I growled as my patience was wearing thin. I wanted her to wake up. Because never in my life I've been left confused. Everything in my life used to be clear, determined and expected. But, this girl is unexpected and unknown. I thought that I had known enough about her until now. Every time I'm with her, she always manages to surprise me.

"You did a background check on her didn't you?" I asked calmly.

"She is human, that much is clear. Her birthplace was verified. Even we went through her ultrasound picture. She is purely human, Rowen." Mara breathed out in frustration.

"Did you get anything from her school life, like whom she met or her friends? It can be that one of the demons somehow corrupted her or got into her body during that course of life." I suggested.

"I would have said you were right." Liam sighed. I raised a questioning brow while Mara just got up from her seat and flicked her braid back.

"Well, as far as I inquired about her from her past teachers and classmates. All of them didn't remember much about her, while some didn't even know that she existed. I would say she was quite reserved in her entire life. And guess what, she isn't even on any social media. It's like she doesn't exist in this world." Liam breathed out. Humans tend to display their life now and then through social media and shit. But why would Azura cut herself off from the world doesn't explain much.

"Well, that would answer why she is so cold and reserved." Mara nodded in agreement.

"Did you find who was that girl?" I asked Liam as I got up from my seat.

"Anna Stacy. 22 years old and studying at M&U...well used to. Is it just me who thinks someone wanted to threaten Azura?" Liam met my eyes. I even thought so but wanted to know his point of view, so I asked.

"And how so?"

"Because it can't be a coincidence that she studied at the same university as Azura's. And also she was killed by some demon wasn't she? And Azura is also being chased by some demon and maybe someone powerful, who does not want to kill her... but use her for her powers maybe." He suggested.

"It can be that. But we can't jump to a conclusion until and unless I inquire to Azura myself. For now, we have to find who sent that vampire to capture Azura, and also we have to look at this case in hand about Anna Stacy. I'll lead you further when I talk to Azura personally." They nodded and left the office.

'Lord, Miss Norwood is awake.' Asterion informed telepathically while I strode out of the office. Asterion was ordered to keep a look at Azura. And now she was awake 'Asterion you can go. I'll be there. Meanwhile, go to Ella and look at what she has got.'

In meantime, I walked in front of the guestroom of my house while the healer emerged from the room. He bowed to me and snapped his spine straight.

"How is she?" I asked. He shivered at my cold tone and gulped hard.

"She is conscious, I couldn't do much as she is human. But she is doing fine. I prescribed her some potions that she has to take on time. Otherwise, she is good to go." He smiled as he clutched his bag tighter in his hands. He was nervous. I nodded and walked him out of the house. When I returned to the room Azura was already up. Her face seemed pale and her lips were parched. The tension between her eyebrows told that she was in pain, but was trying to hide it. As I walked toward her, her attention snapped back to mine. I could hear her heart beating wildly as she looked at me with those wide doe eyes. My demon snarled to take control as it wanted to devour her.

The demon in me was drunk in her power when she took the soul in herself. It wasn't surprising though, because it always knew that she was more than I could see with my bare eyes.

"How do you feel?" I asked monotonously.

"Fine." She huffed. She rubbed her chest, maybe she was still in pain. My hands twitched to reach out for her and access her more closely but I refrained to do so.

"What are you, Miss Norwood?" I asked because she was a mystery to me damnit. I wanted to unsolve her and look at her to know what exactly drew me closer to her.

"I'm... What?" She asked in confusion.

"You are human but at the same time, you are not. You have a soul but I cannot see it, feel it yeah but not see it." I explained. The demon part of me was always alert around her but never thought of her as a threat.

"So you can see souls?" She asked raising my eyebrows. I clenched my jaw because she knew damn well that she was testing my patience.

"That does not matter what I do or not. But-" I dropped my voice an octave. "You intake the souls in you I see," I said getting to the point. She took in a sharp breath with wide eyes as if deer caught in a headlight.

"I think I do," She said meekly. I was about to speak but Asterion interrupted me. 'Lord, you need to come here. This one is important.' He said.

'I'll be there.' I informed and cut our connection.

"We'll talk about it soon Miss Norwood, very soon." I deadpanned and left the room. It better be something important otherwise Asterion is dead because I wasn't finished with Azura. 'Mara, take Miss Norwood to her home.'

'Right away sir.' I could hear laughter in her voice.

"What is it Asterion?" I asked as soon as I cryoported to the autopsy room where Asterion and Ella were waiting. Ella's troubled look was enough to warn that something wasn't good.

"What is it?" I pressed.

"The human was raped." Ella rasped choking on her words.

"Raped?" I snapped.

"Yeah, she was raped in a very brutal way. Do you see all those bites and marks? This was some twisted way of raping her and then someone just plunged an iron rod into her vagina and still fucked her." Ella informed. I absorbed her words and thought for a moment.

"All of this was planned. It isn't so hard to find why this happened in the first place." I said.

"Yes, and Azura was there in the first place. Someone knew Azura can house agony, grief, and pain. And I think this was the best way to hurt her since she would be emotionally broken." Asterion sighed.

"You mean Azura relived was this human girl went through?" Ella gasped.

"I hate to say, but yes she felt her pain and memories."

"Shit, I need to talk to her," I said as I ran my hand through my hair. Why the fuck didn't I think about this?

'Mara, where is Azura?'

'Huh, you ordered to send her home so I just did that.' She said. I cursed under my breath as the ground rattled under our feet because of my seeping power. It never happens that I lose control of my powers but at this moment even I couldn't control it.

"Asterion, I need to talk to Miss Norwood." I ordered and I spared one last glance at the human girl. At least someone took her pain away. But it somehow bothers me that it was Azura.

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