Chapter Twenty

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Wow. I should stop that and get on with the story. :) I'm glad you guys like it. Thanks for reading and voting. I could always use feedback from anyone.


~Levy POV~

The bath water is warm, soothing every ache in my body. I want to go to sleep but I know I can't here in the bath tub. I can't keep my eyes off Gajeel. Not only have I let a guy into my life but I've let him love me too. I can't read the look on his face though the lights bounce off the blush from just a little bit ago. It looks good on him, I don't know why he is trying to hide it.

"Gajeel," I lean over the side of the bath tub, "is everything okay?"

His hand brushes back his hair out of his face, "Yeah, why?"

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, Shrimp," he comes over to the tub, sits on the floor, still avoiding my eyes. "Not you."

I cock my head, trying to get his attention. I want him to look at me but he wont.

"Finish up so we can get you some food," he gets up and heads back to the toilet. "Then you can head back to bed and I'll get out of the way."


"No buts. Just listen for once, Shrimp," he doesn't say it like he's scolding me. More of trying not to give in.

I lean back, dunking my head under the edge of the water, re-wetting it so I can wash it out. I let the water out, close the curtain and rinse off all the bubbles. I stick my hand just outside the curtain to find my towel. I must have missed it because I can feel Gajeel's big hand under it when he hands it to me. I quickly grab it, wrapping it around me, and climbing out of the tub. I go in search of clothes and hear Gajeel follow me from room to room.

"I'm going to make you some food," he says walking out the door.

He's gone before I can thank him. I find the most comfortable pair of panties and a sports bra, my biggest t-shirt and walk out of my room. There's nothing wrong with me wearing my own clothes in my apartment. When I come out, he's already found my stock of chicken noodle soup, pouring some into a bowl from the pan.

He sets in on the table along with a glass of Sunny D. He's lit more candles, My eyes still hurt from the normal lights. Where has he been my entire life? When all the other guys have screwed me over and never treated me like this? The only issue is what's wrong?

~Gajeel POV~

I feel her eyes watch me while she's eating. I check my phone to avoid answering any of her questions. I've gotten another text from Natsu. Lucy wants to come over to check on Levy. I reply telling him that she's eating and then she's going to lay down and rest. I know it's three in the morning but she's not feeling good.

"There," I hear the spoon clink into the empty bowl. "I'm done. Will you come lay down with me?"

I look up to meet her hazel gaze. She's so frustrating. I nod, picking up her dishes; setting them in the sink then following her to her bedroom. She grabs her ladybug pillow pet and curls into a ball. How the hell does she get comfortable like that? I crawl into bed behind her. I manage to put an arm under her head and one around her waist and pillow pet. Being the big spoon is always fun, though soon I'm asleep with her.

I dream for the first time since Mom died. In the dream Levy and I finally get together, we have our first fight. I remember us fighting over something like bills, though its very fuzzy what it actually is. She wont stop screaming at me, telling me I'm wrong and that she's always right. So I hit her. Her eyes are so full of hate for me. She rushes at me, nails catching the skin of my forearms. I see red, her eyes fill with fear, then everything goes black.

I wake in a cold sweat. I'm laying on my back and she's laying across my chest, on arm still wrapped tightly around that stupid ladybug. I gently move her off me. It's already morning. I have class.

I leave without leaving a note. I can't hurt her anymore.

What do you think? Could Gajeel's dream be a type of premonition? Sorry just thinking out loud and teasing you guys. Thanks for reading voting!


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