Chapter Three

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~Levy POV~

"You!" I point my finger at him.

He throws his hands up innocently, "I'm the same person that picked bumped into you at the library, helped pick up the mess, and brought you home. I've done nothing to hurt you."

I stare at him bewildered. What the hell is going on? 

"Before you blow up on me," his hands still in the air, "can I at least get a thank you and get you back to your car?"

I walk over to my favorite chair, pick up a pillow, pretending to study it while he lowers his guard. I throw the pillow at him.

"You deserve at least that. you'll get your thanks later when I get to my car."

He shields his face, curling away as though it should be a red rubber ball in a dodge ball fight, "Hey!"

"you deserve that for all the crap I've gotten this semester!"

"You started it!"

Flashback to Two Weeks Before the Semester 

I'm finally here, I think pulling into the parking lot.

Each apartment has one parking space against the building with additional across the parking lot in case they have someone over or have more than one roommate. Number thirteen. Perfect number. I scan the parking spaces to find my own. 

It takes a few minutes to find it since there is more than just me moving in; these are college apartments although they are all the way across town from campus. I finally find my spot only to find a truck sitting in my space. I park across the way, grab my wallet and make my way to the building.

As I make it to the side walk, a guy with long black hair and camo cargo shorts comes trudging out of the building and heads for the truck. 

I stop as he passes me, "Excuse me."

"And what would you like princess?"

I put my hand on my hip, "For one, I'm not a princess. And two, your truck is in my parking spot. I would ask nicely for you to move it, but it seems that's impossible."

"Well, thank you for being snarky," he replies. "I'll take your words into consideration the next time I park."

"No. Not the next time. Will you please move you junk you call a truck so I can pull my car in? I'm only going to ask this once and then I will take it to the manager."

"Screw you princess," he continues to his truck, only to grab something from his truck and march back in the building. 

I growl and stamp my foot,  I will not put up with this! I spend the rest of the afternoon walking back and forth across the parking lot taking my stuff to my apartment on the third floor. 

"Thank you to the idiot who took my parking spot," I yell, completely drained of all energy more than I would have if I'd been closer to the building.

I hear a faint, "You're welcome."

I throw a pillow across my room, hoping to get some sleep tonight.

Back to the Present. 

"Hey, I've been trying to do better these days," he says.

"Would you mind taking me back to campus so i can get Envy?"


"My car, you idiot."

"Fine, but one word about anything else and i will leave you on the side of the road."

I hold three fingers on my right hand up to my temple, "Scout's honor."

He chuckles and we make our way to his truck.

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