Chapter Six

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~Gajeel POV~

"We begin," I say. 

I'm lit up white. They didn't have anything any better. I hope Levy is happy with the green, its almost the same color as her car. Envy. I can't help but smirk. Such a clever girl she is but such a shrimp.

I take off to my left. There's no telling where she is.

"If i'm green," she says through the earpiece, "then what color does that make you?"

"Do you not pay any attention to your surroundings? We've already crossed paths." 

She stops and I can hear her panting," White? What a daft color to chose."

"Like your color is any better."

"Hey," she shouts, it echos throughout the arena but I can almost tell where its at.

"You've just let your spot be known," I whisper. "I'm coming after you shrimp."

She shrieks, but I'm already closing in on her. I stop before I turn a corner, giving her the benifit of the  doubt. I hear her scuttle around the corner.

"I spy with my little eye," she whispers, a little chuckle follows it.

"What are you waiting for Shrimp? Take a shot."

"You first. Age before beauty."

I snort, "That's not how it works. how about an old western stand off?"

"With these big guns?"

"If you took any time to look at your equipment, you'll find a small pistol on your side," I facepalm. Why did i have to find her? I hear her big gun drop so she can look around, all the time I'm watching around the corner to see if any part of her body comes around the corner. 

"Found it," she says breathless.

I freeze, every hair stands on end. No way she did that to me.

A single shot is fired and I'm hit.

"What? No. This can't happen," I gasp.

"Surprised that you lost to a girl?"

I turn around, shocked as I should be. She stands up tall, that cute smirk of hers all across her face. I cant help it anymore, she just bugs me so much. These past couple days have been hell for me but I need to do something to make her pay.

I walk towards her, its only a few steps to get to her. She takes a step back. I know I come on strong and strict, but she's the first person that I would actually do something for. I lean down to get eye level with her, which is actually pretty far down, and look her straight in the eyes, not wanting to dominate, but to understand. I raise my hand, caressing her delicate jaw; her skin is so soft. I gently grab her chin and pull her in. Its only a small kiss, I don't want to push her into something she doesn't want.

She pulls back, surprised. Her eyes wide but they sparkle.

~Levy POV~

He's gentle. What is this i'm feeling? No other guy has made me feel like this. Does he mean it?

I pull back, I cant help it. I wrap my arms around his head, pulling up into him for a deeper kiss. He's still being gentle. 

I pull back again, "Oops." I blush.

He's still crouched but his look is just the same. He pops up, sliding his hand around the back of his neck, using his arm to cover the blushing. He's so cute. Why have I not seen this before? 

"So..." I begin.

Whistles fill the arena. I scowl at him, but all he can do is give me a big cheesy grin. 

"Well aren't you just precious," I smack him on the arm playfuly.

His face goes from happy to gloomy and he stalks off.

"Hey," I run after him. "I won the bet and you still have to come to dinner with me. What time is it by the way?"

He looks at his wrist, "Its only three-thirty."

"You owe me dinner. Want to take me home so I can finish it, loverboy?"

"Loverboy?" I hear him say under his breath. 

I follow him to a locker room, "Take off your equipment and place it in an empty locker. I still have one more thing for you."

I cock my head to the side, "More?" 

Can someone send some feedback so I know what you like and what you'd like to see? Thank you!


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