Chapter Twenty-Two

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~Levy POV~

I get off the phone with Wendy just as Lucy comes back into my room.

"Juvia will be over in an hour or so and she's bringing Erza with her," she gives me the update.

I give her a look of dread. Erza tends to go a little overboard whenever we have a girls' night but there is no telling her "no."

"I know, I know. She was already at Juvia's when I called and you know how she is," she strikes one of Erza's normal poses, hands on her hips and stern faced. I laugh uncontrollably.

"Well, let's get some more candles set up. I'll send Natsu to get some stuff for the night and to grab me some stuff too. This is going to be a fun night. What do you want to do?"

Lucy is always in charge of planning these things even if they're at someone else's place. For the next hour we plan out what we're going to do. Mud masks made out of avocados, home manicures and pedicures, makeovers, the works, all while drinking some Boon's Farm or whatever she decides to have Natsu pick us up; one of the perks of having a legal age boyfriend.

"Looks like we got it all figured out. I'll go call Natsu and see if he'll pick up the supplies or at least come get me so I can go pick them up. On second thought, I'll see if he'll come get me to get the supplies. I'll make sure to grab more candles too, it looks like the ones you already had are getting low," she says, leaving me at the dining room table while she stands up to call Natsu. 

Not only is Lucy one of the nicest and most generous people you'll ever meet, but she has money like the rest of us do, though her parents just give her what she wants so she wont bother them. Kind of like my own parents. It's no wonder we get along so well.

"I'll be back Levy. Go take a shower and put on some cuter clothes. It's going to be a fun night," she grabs her jacket and is out the door before I have any time to say good bye.

I walk to the bathroom, stripping out of my clothes. Last night still runs through my mind. With the girls coming over I need to have my full attention on them so I'll let my mind wander for now. I start the shower up and climb in. The steam warms me up.

It also reminds me of how warm Gajeel was last night and the night is first happened. He lit tons of little fires all over my skin just be running his fingertips across it. I scrub my hair and my body before getting out, thoughts still running through my mind that should have been gone already.

"Levy?" I hear Lucy on the other side of the bathroom door. "Are you okay?"

I flip my hair into the the towel and crack the door, "Yeah, just got out of the shower."

"You've been in there for a while."

I put on my glasses and look at my phone. It has been a while. Lucy left about 3:30 and now it's almost five.

"I'm sorry Lu-chan. I only meant to be in for about twenty minutes or so."

I can see the worry on her face, "I'm gonna refresh the candles and start on the guac face mask. Go get dressed."

"Yes, ma'am," I salute her and she rolls her eyes. She hates it when I do that.

I wander into my room, still wrapped in my towel, to find clothes. I really don't feel like wearing a dress or yoga pants or jeans. Basketball shorts. I bend down to dig through my bottom drawer. I always keep a couple pairs in case I have those days where I don't feel like being so lady like. Something catches my eyes beneath me. Dark spots form a small puddle under me.

"Shit," I jump up and run for the bathroom. "You're early! Lu-chan!"

She comes running from who knows where, probably the kitchen, to find me sitting on the toilet. She's red in the face, at least I think she is since the glow from the candle is fading.

"Are you okay? Did you fall again?" she's even more worried now.

"I just need you to do me a favor."

She nods.

"Go in my room, top drawer and grab me a sports bra and a pair of panties, a bigger pair. I kind of have an issue."

She nods again. She gets the whole period thing better than anyone else. It's not long before she's back. Just as she hands me what I asked for, there's a knock at the front door.

"I'll be back," she races to answer the door. 

I hear Juvia and Erza. I just want to cry right now. My life is in pieces because of a single guy and that same guy has pretty much kicked me to the curb. I told you guys were up to no good. I told you. I mentally kick myself and prepare myself for a night of friends and fun. I clean myself up and head back to my room to get clothes. I find my basketball shorts and a thin dark grey v-neck and throw them on. I kick a towel onto my mess, grab a head band and I'm out to enjoy my friends.

"Are you feeling better, Levy?" Lucy says as soon as I emerge from my room.

I nod. all of Gajeel's candles have been replaced by new ones, ones that smell of vanilla and lavender, my favorite. I can hear Erza and Juvia in the living room while I finish helping Lucy get the avocados mixed together and any other snacks for the night.

"Go sit and enjoy the company," she shoos me out of the kitchen.

I listen this time, not wanting her to become more of a mama than she already acts. I sit on my couch, the same one Gajeel and I had been sitting on that night. I quickly put that thought out of my mind and focus on Erza and Juvia's conversation.

"I'm telling you, Juvia," Erza takes a sip of the soda that Lucy bought, "you need to come out of your shell and stop being so doom and gloom."

"Juvia knows."

Juvia is an international student from Paris. She doesn't quite get the whole first person-third person kind of thing of English yet. She's so cute and always in fashionable clothes under her trench coat, completed with a Cossack hat. I wish I had fashion sense like her. I just throw on whatever I think is comfortable.

"What do you think, Levy?" Erza turns to me. "Do you think that Juvia should open up a little more and not be so high and tight?"

Little known fact about Erza, which she usually forgets to tell people, she's a marine. The best female marine they have out there.

"I wouldn't call her high and tight Ms. Marine. I think that she could use a little opening up, but of course I'm in the same way," I reply.

"Face masks and wine!" Lucy says coming into the living room. "What's all the hullabaloo?"

There's a knock at the door. Wendy. 

"I got it," I get up to answer the door.

I open the door to the small figure who tended to me that morning. Her long black hair is pulled into two pony tails which make her look even younger than she really is.

"Hi, Levy," she smiles as I let her in. "Are you feeling better today?"

I close the door, "I've been having issues with light, that's why we've got all the candles going." I point to each of my friends, "That's Lucy, Erza, and Juvia. Guys this is Wendy. I met her at the hospital the other day and figured she could enjoy a night with us."

Erza spits her soda, "You went to the hospital?!"

I spend the rest of the night, telling them about my trip to the hospital and that I'd met a guy. I leave out the juicy details because I only want Lucy to know for now. By the time I finish my story, Lucy has broken out the mixed drinks and put on How to Train Your Dragons. Yes, we're adults but we still like our kids' movies. By the end of the night, we're out like lights, holding our various stuffed animals and pillows.

I'm the last one to fall asleep, my brain still buzzing from the alcohol but also the thought of Gajeel. I wonder where he is and what is going on with him. I kind of want him here now. I fall asleep with the image of him still on my mind.

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