𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎: 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚞𝚎

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    Hands grasping on the wheel before her, she stares at the screen the moon named Kerberos staring right back at her. The words of her pilot companion being heard throughout the false ship, "Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-22-14. Begin descending to Kerberos for rescue mission."

    Diving down towards the moon, she tried her best to focus on the mission at hand. Tried her best to pass this simulation than failing for the millionth time in a row. The ship shaking upon impacting the atmosphere.

     Hunk groaned out from behind, "Ugh, Lance, Y/n can you keep this thing straight?"

     Lance responds, "Relax, Hunk, I'm just getting a feel for the stick. It's not like I did this." Jerking the wheel to the side making the shaking worse. "Or this—"

     Y/n's (color) eyes snapped towards the "commanding" officer, your mouth forming words to the expense of your mind, "Quit it!"

     Lance's head turns towards you with a flirtatious smile, "Why? Getting nervous?" He teases.

     "With you as the main pilot?" You murmured out loud, speaking bluntly. "Definitely."

    Hunk chirps in, "Okay, unless you want to wipe beef stroganoff out of all the nooks and crannies in this thing, you better knock it off, man!"

     "We'd picked up a distress beacon!" Pidge spoke.

     Pressing buttons on your end, Lance mutters, "All right, look alive team! Pidge, track coordinates."

     "Copy." Pidge turned back to the large computer typing away.

    The ship shaking more. "Knock it off Lance! Please!" Hunk whines.

     Lance looks over his shoulder, stating, "This one is on you buddy. We've got a hydraulic stabilizer out."

     Hunk peels his eyes open, gagging a bit. Mumbling, "Oh no."

     "Oh, no. Fix now. Puke later," Lance orders.

     You remained mute on your end continuing to fly the ship. Pidge on their end spoke up, "I lost contact. The shaking is interfering with our sensors."

     "Hunk, could you please fix that," said Y/n from her end. Pressing more buttons.

     Hunk slowly nods, unbuckling his seatbelt moving towards the compartment opening the hatch up looking through it.

     The blue mark popping back up on the screen.

     And Lance being ever so confident in his abilities, smirks, "Never mind fellas, Thar she blows. Preparing to approach on visual."

     Frowning you spoke, "I don't think that'd be wise enough for us to go down just yet."

     Pidge agreed, "It's not advisable with our current mechanical and gastrointestinal issues."


     "Stop worrying." Lance shot you three a look. "This baby can take it, can't you champ." Lance pats his dashboard. The ship rumbling all on its own, basically telling the teenage boy that it was not ready to go down. Flinching his hand back, eyes widened. He tries to play it off, "See? She's nodding. She was nodding."

     Going back to ordering, "Pidge, hail down to them and let them know their ride is here."

     "Lance, she's not going to be able to take it." Y/n looks towards the pilot. Frowning more when her words fell on deaf ears.

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