𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚞𝚋𝚎

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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚞𝚋𝚎

Repairing the ship was no easy task. Considering that everything was in Altean. Even if Y/n was part Altean her grandmother had never taught her the language, only its mere customs.

Turning the hatch, Shiro ushers, "Let's hurry up with these repairs, Zarkon could be here at any moment."

The panel was pulled up by none other than Hunk. "Okay, panel's off. Now what?" He asks down the comms to the two Alteans.

Coran murmurs, "Very simple. Just loosen the blaxums on the somoflange."

Nor did she teach you, Altean ships. "Could you be more specific?"

Allura chirps in with a quick apology, "Sorry Hunk, he means the the pokolones on the agroclams."

"No, that doesn't help."

Lance gently shoves his friend away from it, smirking with confidence, "Easy, Hunk. I got this."

Raising an eyebrow, all you could think of was, okay, tailor. Watching as he implemented something wrong. The once blue turned red quickly. "Uh-oh. That can't be good."

"Nice work, Tailor." You and Pidge said together.

"No! Not that smalters! The poklones!" Allura shouts.

Coran yells over her, "No it's the blaxums!"

Keith sighs out frustratedly, "What are you talking about?"

Pidge leans in tapping digits, turning a knob or two before twisting and turning and pushing in the panel. Everything once red turned back to its soft blue. "There. Fixed," Pidge announces.

Allura praises, "Well done, Pidge."

"The tech on this ship never ceases to amaze me. It's so mathematically elegant," gushes Pidge. "It fit is a hundred times more frictionless than any exoskeleton we have on Earth." Y/n couldn't help but to chuckle hearing the Holt family splurge like this, going on a complete tangent of such technological language that had everyone call them a nerd. "It's... beautiful." They smile widely.

Lance rolls his eyes, "It's not a sunset Pidge."

"You're right, a billion sunsets just happen every day." Looking back at the panel, they continue to talk, "Some genius engineer actually built this." Sending it back down into the ship, they frown wishing to know more tech.

Hunk begins to drool over a thought of his, "It looks like a big delicious, curly fry." Something smacked into the side of his helmet.

Raising an eyebrow, turning towards the direction where they were coming from. Everyone raises a shield. You did not.  "All right we've prepared for this." Grasping what had come to look like a snowball. It not crushing underneath your own fingertips instead it was just there being held by its own mere force. "Remember your rogue projectile cluster training from the Garrison."

Feeling Lance elbow her, turning towards him, Lance points towards at the snowball in his gloved hand and then at Keith. Smirking, you nodded along. "First we need temporary shelter—" Cut off, both Lance and Y/n threw their snowballs at Keith. Lance ended up accidentally hitting Shiro while Y/n's made direct contact with Keith's shoulder.

Immediately did the blue paladin apologize, "Sorry Shiro I was trying to hit Keith."

A snowball hit him straight in the helmet. Keith purred, "Like that."

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