𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝚂𝚔𝚎𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜

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Y/n hadn't liked parties much for the main reason that she didn't like conversing with others she didn't know. And down there were filled with different people, aliens she didn't want to talk with at the moment.

Considering she and Pidge would be leaving soon enough.

So there she was in the bridge, sitting on white paladian's chair sketching away. Drawing out jagged sharp lines. Forming out several faces. Those faces being her team.

Hearing the doors open, Y/n raised an eyebrow watching as Lance entered. His brown eyes expanded at the sight of his team members. Stammering out, "I didn't realize anyone was in here. I-I'll head out—"

Dropping her legs from the arm of the chair, fixing herself to sit properly on the chair she gestures Lance over, seeing in his eyes he was down. It was a natural look for him. She hadn't ever seen him like this. So beat. He always wore a flirtatious smile.

And usually he'd be talking with Hunk about any problem of his but considering the party was being held.

"Tired of the party already?" Y/n asks, softly.

Lance settled beside her leg, staring up at the sky that the bridge allowed. Looking up at the stars and sighed, "Yes. No. Sorta? I don't know." Dropping his head. Y/n slipped from her seat joining Lance on the ground. "You don't take me as the therapist friend type." Lance looked at her seriously.

Shrugging her shoulders, Y/n wasn't normally there for other people; the only people she'd been there for were either her adoptive sibling or best friend that was out there. "I used to be," Y/n said. "But she went to Kerberous."

Lance's eyes widened, "She?! Your friend was Astraea Black? The hottie?"

Flicking his shoulder, Y/n dragged the subject back to its course, "What's troubling you L?"

Frowning, he relaxes, looking back up at the stars not answering. And Y/n didn't push. Didn't want to. Just waited for him to talk about what he was thinking or feeling. Waiting patiently.

Hearing a voice slightly startling them both, "Mind if I join you two?"

Y/n smiles at Coran gesturing to the spot next to her. Coran slips beside her, keeping himself to stand.

Lance asks him, with a second beat, "How far away from Earth do you think we are, Coran?"

"Let's take a look." Coran raises his hands, the room becoming a bit dark as stars and planets fill the room. Pointing at the familiar planet, he states, "Earth is over here and we're..." Dragging two hands across one another dragging everything away heading towards the planet they all currently were on. "...The way over..."

Lance says, "Have you ever noticed how far apart the planets are from each other?" Standing up, he stands beside the orange haired Altean male. Y/n taking her place besides the both of them discarding her art.

"Yes. Haven't you been paying attention?"

"Yeah. But I mean, like, really, really, far away." Coran finally stops moving the technologic see-through screen. Finally settling upon Arus. Lance continued on, "Like, say Earth. It's so far, I can't even see it. The blue oceans, the white clouds, the green grass. I... I can't see any of it."

Coran nods, understanding the feeling, "You miss Earth. I understand. I miss Altea."

"I know we're supposed to be brave paladins and Defenders of the Universe. But, honestly, I just want to go home."

"If I could go home, I would."

"I miss rain and splashing in puddles."


"It's water that falls from the sky." Lance turns to him.

Coran smiles, sadly, "Oh we had that on Altea. Only it wasn't water, more like rocks. Razor-sharp and boiling hot. Oh, they could knock a hole in your head."

"Sounds like fun."


Y/n squeezes both their shoulders comfortingly, not knowing what words would help best. "Coran?" She stands there, a bit fidgety.

"Yes, Y/n?" He turns to you. It was the second time he had gotten your name right. Not that he'd call you anything else but your grandmother's name.

Looking at the projection of stars, she couldn't help but to ask, "Vurana, what was she like?"

Coran smiles softly at the memory of her. "She was spectacular. Soft and loving and understanding. She was everything good in the world. A true fighter as well. Vurana was an amazing and spectacular woman that saw the good in the world"

Nodding along, Y/n takes a step away from the two boys bending down and grasping a hold of her sketchbook holding it tightly against her chest. Lance calls out, "Y/n you finally joining us down at the party?"

Debating for a moment, Y/n nodded, rushing towards them to gain their distance. But something deep within her told her not to leave. Frowning, her eyebrows knitting together, she felt distressed. But she couldn't simply place her finger on why she was feeling the way she did.

Her eyes landed on the small 3-D triangle entering the room, Lance greeting the robot, "Hey Rover." Passing by it.

Alarmed. Pidge nowhere in sight. Turning around seeing the robot heading straight towards the crystal. Turning red within a blink of an eye.

Y/n eyes went huge, instantly shoving Lance and Coran towards the door as the fake drone exploded.

Hearing the explosion Coran eyes snap behind him gaining his footing seeing nothing but moving darkness around him cutting off his ability to see. Lance yells, "Coran, what's going on?!"

The blinking darkness of the abyss bit back, falling back within the light allowing them some sight to the room around them. Left destroyed and broken, filled with ashes and rubble. Coran hadn't seen that in a long time. That black abyss.

 That black abyss

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