𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎: 𝙷𝚎𝚛

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    Grandma V had always told her she was born on planet Earth yet had the stars stuck dancing in her eyes with fire in her blood.

    It was a Visha trait, Grandpa F had told her countless of times throughout her youth. The only thing that she inherited from him that he confessed was the whole disliking being around people.

     Sitting there in her living room that seemed so huge grasping tightly onto her stuffed teddy bear, her eyes staring up at the stars during the middle of the night. Not able to sleep. The light from the kitchen shone dimly as the fridge was being ransacked by Grandpa F.

     Returning to the somewhat dark living room Felix heads towards his granddaughter with a glass of milk handing the small children cup towards her. Y/n grasped a hold of it only to turn back to the window that showed so many beautiful burning balls that she could get lost with.

     "You like stars too?" Felix adjusted his glasses, settling himself besides her. Slowly wordlessly nodding her head, Y/n smiles softly bringing her stuffed animal close to her chest laying her head on top of it. "I love them as well. It's where your grandmother was born from."

     Y/n lifted her head towards the man she had grown inseparable with. "It was a pure miracle that she ended up being my wife, really." He smiles softly, affectionately. Falling in love with the memories, falling in love with her once again.

     They were practically fairytales hidden from the world. A love story that young Y/n strived to at least experience in her life.

     Felix continues to smile, "Have I told you the story of how your grandmother and I met?" Thousands of times. But she couldn't help but hear it again and again.

     Shaking her head, Y/n crept closer into her grandfather's side occasionally taking a sip of the milk they were given. Felix started up the story once again, "Almost over forty years ago, the day was hot and I was out camping in some mountains. With my best pal, everyone in our home town called him Gane."


    "Gah-nah." Felix sounds it out.


    "It was shorter than his last name, to my knowledge." Felix answers truthfully.

    "What's his full name?"

    "Don't know." Felix hums. "Anyways. Me and him were camping together when something from space came tumbling in." Felix began acting out what he saw that day. His fingers dragged across the stars until it was met with the ground a head. "It hit some sort of cave. Me and Gane went to explore it and found two beautiful women there. Unknown to this land. One of them being your grandmother."

     Pulling Y/n into his lap he went on, continuing the story, "There I kept both your grandmother and this woman that will eventually fall in love with Gane safe. In the end me and your grandmother had fallen for each other. A beautiful star falling in love with me, a simple co-pilot researcher for Galaxy Garrison."

     Smiling, baring his teeth, his own two pupils practically becoming heart shaped. "God, she was absolutely perfect. It was a little shocking that she fell in love with me. That she could love a grump." Lowering his head, he simply shakes it, continuing to wear that smile like a gold medal. "But she did. And we had two beautiful girls and our youngest one that had stars in her head had you, stars in yours eyes, oh Callista. You remind me so much of the stars. Of everything so right with the universe. You belong here with us."

    But in Y/n's life she hadn't ever felt like she belonged on Earth; she felt like she belonged somewhere far from there. The only time she felt truly connected with the planet of blue and green was when she was standing by the side of Astraea, or her grandparents.

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