𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛: 𝙺𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚎𝚊 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍

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𝙺𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚎𝚊 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍

"They call themselves the Kaltae." He turns his attention to you, looking down at you. "The holder of the blade you have." All eyes dawning on you.

Breath hitching, closing in on your throat. Tilting her head to the side, gulping down harshly on the bile being formed. You stepped closer to Kolivan's eyes, never leaving his. "Who's the General of this Kaltae?"

He doesn't falter, doesn't answer, only waves it off, "I'll input the coordinates into your ship."

"Kolivan." Y/n calls out. "Who?"

"In time you will learn."

"You know my mother."

Kolivan takes a step away heading, following after Coran. Y/n watches carefully as the man walks away from her. Leaving her clueless. Leaving her unanswered. It seemed to be a new trend in Y/n Jameson-Visha's life. Always asking questions only to be waved off like a child not being taken seriously.

Astraea braids Y/n's hair claiming it was calming her, calming them both. Truth be told it was.

Ever since the questions had been laid. The learning of Keith being Galra. The learning that Y/n carried a blade. Learning of gaining another ally. Everyone's eyes stayed on you both. Keith strayed in the corner of the room being hidden by Astraea's figure.

Astraea... the only one who didn't dare make them feel any different. Feel as if they had any defects to them.

Keith and Y/n learning truths about themselves that had left them clueless about themselves. Keith left yearning to learn more about himself whilst Y/n wanted to run away from it but still gather the information.

Threading her fingers through his, Y/n lays her head on his shoulder. They didn't move, flinch, cower away from the other's touch. They stayed still like statues. The two understood what the other was going through. Tried their best to if they didn't fully know what the other faced.

Astraea had finished with the dutch braid, standing in front of the two paladins.

It didn't take long to reach a planet called Covy. A planet meant for nature to thrive and live in. For mammals not human or alien to habit and live peacefully in.

Kolivan warns, "It'd be best if we don't land this ship in there."

Allura glares at him, "Why?" Her voice grew low, testy.

Kolivan states, "This planet protects itself. Will protect itself. It will destroy any ship you land on it." Pursing her lips, the princess scoffs.

Astraea brings up, "The lions however were created by the same energy as this planet is. We can take them and it won't destroy it."

"Fine. Take them."

"You're coming too Princess," Astraea grabs the wrists of her friends tugging them along. "And Coran too if he wishes to join."

"I don't—"

"Please," This was the first time Astraea had said those words ever since her arrival. Had dare spoke to the Princess without such disgust. "They'd want to see you."

Allura reluctantly joined.

Landing onto the planet, leaving the lions everything in a forest. Dribbling in a light mist of rain. Chirping of beasts. Singing of creatures. Kolivan led the group through the winding tall trees.

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