𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗: 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗

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Sucked out of the ship, all Y/n heard was screaming. She would've done so as well but she was growing extremely tired. Feeling her lion drift off heading out of the ship. Colliding with another before being sucked off to who knows where.

Spewed into an unknown area with unknown constellations. In a no man's land.

Pidge hearing their sister whimpering in pain through the comms had them immediately out of their green lion searching through the rubble trying to track down their sister. "Y/n," they called out in the middle of space. "Can you hear me Y/n."

"Y...I hear you Pidge," Y/n murmurs quietly, softly.

"Is everything alright?" Pidge immediately asks afterwards.

Swallowing down the pain, you respond with, "I'm... fine. Just..." Looking down at yourself. Blood. It seemed there was so much. "Injured." They stopped looking at their green lion.

"Injured? How injured."

"A sword stabbed through my shoulder and abdomen."

"What?!" They practically screamed. "Tell me what your area looks like."

Staring at what bore before you, you lick your lips taking bits and pieces in at a time. "Trash. Rubble. Glowing things? The stars." Staring at the stars your mind began drifting off to a peaceful memory going back to your grandfather's story of how he met your grandmother.

Pidge quickly tread the area carefully having already gone back to grab a first aid kit she left in her green lion for her adoptive sister. Searching the area long and hard, she kept talking to her. Kept trying to hear her voice.

Pidge even went as far as to fake the voices of their team, to keep Y/n entertained, "My name is Keith, I'm so emo." Their voices changed back to their normal one, "Shiro, you're our leader. What should we do?"

"We'll get through this if we work together. We're a team."

"Look at me! I'm Lance. Hey, is that a cute girl over there?"

"I don't feel so good. The smell of this place makes me want to barf."

"Paladins, please. We must defeat Zarkon."

"Blah blah blah! Crazy words. Mustache."

Y/n chuckles at their adoptive sibling keeping their head laying on the headrest. "Love your interpretations of their voice." She seemed to smile. "I almost believed they were actually here."

Pidge managed to find the white lion with the help of a few buddies she found along the way. Making the way towards the head of the lion. Slipping on board, their eyes staring at the ground beneath them seeing drips and drops of blood.

Moving towards Y/n the blood coating more. Slits of where the sword had pierced and met her skin. One wound looked fatal.

Pidge orders Y/n to shift a bit forward pouring rubbing alcohol onto both of the wounds. Fastening a cloth around her arm with a gaz trying to at least stop the bleeding. "Always having first aid huh Katie?" Y/n whispers, the name slipping from her mind. Her own two eyes becoming drowsy.

Pidge nods their head, focusing on the wounds. "Considering how accident prone you are, yes." Biting their lip, basically chewing it, they also add, "And you seem to sacrifice yourself to the point where you meet certain death."

"Only happened once."

"Twice actually. This and the bomb."

"Always taking care of me," Y/n laughs dryly.

Pidge frowns. "I will always take care of you, Y/n. You're my sister. And family always stick together."

Gulping down they force a smile to her lips. "Am I going to die?" They tried joking, poorly. "Is that why you're being unnaturally kind to me instead of teasing me?"

"Would you rather I talk about Keith?"

Y/n groans out sharply, "Why Keith?"

"You two are..." Pidge brown eyes met with a pair of (color) their eyebrows knitting together as they came to the dawning relaxation. "Completely oblivious."

That smile faded into a thin pained line. "Completely oblivious to what?"

Pidge finally finished cleaning and fixing up the wounds placed on Y/n. Placing all the tools she used back into its compartment. Talking, informing their sister, "You don't notice the longing glances? The way you two are always standing close to each other? Hell he even used the same tradition you use when promising you he'd be back."

"Doesn't mean we're in love with each other, Katie."

"Oh my god you are oblivious." Pidge groans out.

Y/n raise their head towards their adoptive sibling, giving them a tired stern look. "Pidge, me and Keith officially met each other one year ago. With the help of Astraea and Shiro."

"Love works in miraculous ways." Pidge comments, looking around.

"Why are you so persistent that me and Keith are in love with each other?"

"It's merely a fact that you two like each other." Pidge waves off their sister. "It's painfully obvious."

Huffing out, Y/n glares at Pidge. "Then why doesn't anyone say anything about it, huh?" Forcing herself to her feet, her arm in a makeshift sling. "Why does no one besides you say something about it."

Rolling their eyes, Pidge answers way too quickly, "Hunk's too nice to say something. Lance doesn't want to admit that a girl actually likes Keith more than him. Coran and Allura don't know human customs and assume that what you two are doing is completely normal. And Shiro, probably gives Keith shit about the same thing I give shit to you."

Seeing the small fluff ball aliens blinking staring at something. "Stay here. I'll be back."

Grabbing their arm, Y/n gives them a look, "What are you going to do?"

Pidge declares, "I'm going to figure out a way to get out of here and get you into a pod." And with that she left the white lion.

Walking down the long winding halls both Haggar and Zarkon side by side. Both planning to meet their other champion that earned a title, earned a spot on his fleet.

Upon arrival the two noticed the two sentries that posted guard were destroyed and the door left wide open. Growling darkly, the two took a look inside only finding nothing.

The table that had metal restraints sliced to shreds left to be collected off the ground. Along with scientists that had fixed and entirely replaced her leg.

Haggar looks at her sire with a deep frown. Watching his every move. The two knowing what had happened here. Carnage was stolen. Gone from Zarkon's greedy hands.

 Gone from Zarkon's greedy hands

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