𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗: 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚍

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    Staring him down, Hunk waited and waited. Sighing heavily, Keith turns towards the yellow paladin, eyes narrowing. "Are you trying to see if my skin turns purple?"

    "No..." Hunk dragged the word, obviously lying.

    Finally moving towards the two boys, Y/n smacks his shoulder, stating, "All right stop staring at him as if being a galra is his only defining quality."

    "You think he has other defining qualities?" Hunk questions, sounding exactly like Pidge.

    Y/n clears her throat, "Y-Yeah." They stammer out. "Like his... ambition of always staying on task for our missions, training himself." Though there was something clear in her eyes. That glint of adoration. The way she spoke about him could have led to her being completely in love with him.

     Hunk raises an eyebrow at the white paladin, a smirk crawling to his lips, "You sound like Mavros." He comments. Sending him a puzzled look, he explains himself, "Well when she talks about Kolivan, she talks about him. It's the same way you talk about Keith—"

    Cutting him off, skin heating turning your cheeks a soft bright reddish pink. Growling out, "Quit it Hunk!"

     "Quit what?" The yellow paladin looks in between you two. "Oh Pidge was right, you two are oblivious." He laughs loudly, shaking his head. "There's a hangar for you two to—"

    "What are you even talking about?" Keith questioned him, his voice scratchy in the right frequencies that made your ears crave for more of.

    Hunk blinks about to answer when Allura comes through, calling out, "Hunk, Y/n, Keith, are you there? Can you hear me?" Saved by the princess. Now that wasn't on your 2014 Bingo card. Then again saving the universe wasn't either.

    Keith responds, "Hunk, Y/n, and Keith here. What's going on Princess?"

     Allura answers, urgently, "You must return to the castle! I need you!"

     All three of them gave each other a worried look before turning back towards the screen. "We're on our way."

     The beast that had come to be revived miraculously had gotten much stronger. Had obtained new perks to it, a crystal heart pointing outwards with a shield cut down in half able to maneuver and move it freely. Stealing the idea from Voltron.

     Lance getting there, Hunk took his chance to head towards the castle so they could acquire both the red and white lion. Only for them to be shot at. Yellow shutting down entirely. Falling down to the Balmera.

     Keith yells, "Hunk, do something!"

     "I can't move!" Hunk confesses trying everything known to man/alienkind. "I'm hit! Nothing's working!" Pleading quietly, "Come on boy, come on. Come back to me."

     The black lion comes in and saves them, taking them back to the castle.

     "Shiro, it's on its way to the castle."

     "I'm on it!"

     So close yet so far. Y/n and Keith both gave each other a look speaking with their two very eyes. Rushing out of the lion, only Hunk calls out, "Where are you two going?"

     "We're gonna jump and jetpack over to the castle," Keith answers then leaves with Y/n.

     The two floated upwards heading towards their much needed destination. Getting halfway there, a bright green laser beam came tumbling towards them. Knocked backwards. The two were flung away from one another going to opposite ends of space.

White Storm | Voltron (Keith Kogane) [1]Where stories live. Discover now