𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘: 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗

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𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚘𝚗

    It was hard to sleep on the ground where everyone was huddled around. Takashi Shirogane, a legend spoken inside Y/n's home, was there. Laying on that couch unconscious. Still dressed in the clothes that were unfamiliar to this world though it was very much clear it was clothes of a prisoner.

    The once hero, the once legend broken just a little beyond repair.

    It got Y/n thinking and once she started thinking she couldn't sleep. She just couldn't. So she did the one thing that would evidently help her. Sneaking out of the shed and managing to escape to the cold crisp air nipping at the back of her bare arms having left her creme white cardigan inside laying on top of Pidge.

     Y/n made her way to the top of the shed, sitting on the roof staring at what was held before her. Burning stars. Those same burning stars that matched with her necklace that she always hid underneath her shirt. A star made from an unknown material that looked to be of rose gold or rose silver. She didn't know. Nor did she care. It was the only thing her mother had given her before leaving.

    That's what her grandmother had told her. Grandma V had always told stories of a mighty beast hiding beneath each constellation waiting to be found, waiting to fight and save all kinds. Y/n didn't know why she rambled such bedtime stories that must've been passed down from generation to generation.

    But within staring at those burning stars it made her remember another individual that went to the Keberous mission, the first youngest co-pilot to ever go up to space by mere skill and pure dedication, Astraea Black.

    A teenage girl with blonde hair with dyed tips of her favorite color purple. Shocking electric blue eyes. Almost above average height. Fair skin adorned with a bunch of small freckles acting like stars.

    Astraea and Y/n were best friends when they entered elementary school, instantly linking at the hips. The two always finding themselves in some kind of trouble.

     It wasn't that until Shiro when he came to test some students and show them a career of being an astronaut and the two were hand picked that they got some of their act together.

    "Y/n, right?" Hearing a voice speak up, she looks over to take notice of the person. Noticing his violet eyes immediately. Keith.

    Slowly nodding her head, Keith takes a seat next to her, staring out into the darkened distance. Y/n was entirely surprised that he would remember her name given the only time they ever spoke was a year ago. When the Keberous mission seemed the all new.

    Only for it to shatter within five months of basic research.

     Shiro introduced the both of them with the help of Astraea to at least give one another some ounce of friend for when they would go to the edge of the solar system for who knows how long.

    Which didn't last long enough to sustain such friendship.

    "What brings you up here?" Y/n asks, staring at him all too intrigued on why he would come and sit next to her, talk to her even.

    Keith raises an eyebrow, "To my roof?" Shrugging his shoulder, he lets out the same question Y/n gave, "What brings you up here?"

    "Couldn't sleep," Y/n responds, eyes tearing towards the rippling sky. "Came up here to look up at the stars."

    Silence fills the both of them as they both stared at the same thing with entirely different outlooks. And that was all they needed. A simple calm to the upcoming storm that didn't plan on stopping anytime soon.

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