𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢: 𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚜

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    Rushing, running. Her legs ran and ran even if they ached, even if they burned with fire, even if she was out of breath from running to see where Shiro was. She just did what she was always good at. Running. So she continued to run. Running faster than her team. Then Astraea's robotic legs.

    Entering the bridge room. Where there everyone crowded around someone. Around her mother.

    Y/n's heart dropped. All the air sucked out of her. Breathing became a hard task to do. Everything became harder to do. But her legs, oh her legs rushed forwards heading to her mother pushing Coran and Slav away from her.

    Seeing her laying on the ground, propped up with the help of her husband. There on her abdomen was a wound, a fatal wound. Looking up, she demands out of Coran, "What the hell are you doing?! Get a pod ready for her!"

    "Y/n," she calls out softly. Weakly. "Little Star, look at me."

     Y/n didn't listen. Didn't want to. Shoving Coran with both hands, shoving him towards the door, screaming at the top of her lungs, "GET A POD READY FOR HER!"

     "Y/n!" Kolivan yells over her screams.

    Tears hugging at the edge of her eyes, she finally listens to her mother. Her heart breaking piece by piece as she came to the dawning realization that Mavros didn't want to be saved. That this was her goodbye and she wanted to spend it with her.

    Red lights. Alarms blaring informing everyone that there was an intruder amongst the castle heading straight towards them. But that didn't matter now what mattered now was Mavros.

    However, the paladins didn't waste any time heading towards the intruder.

    "Come here." Mavros spoke softly. Y/n obeyed dropping to her knees. "Give me your grandmother's blade." She listened carefully. Pulling out the Kaltae blade given to her on her tenth birthday, handing it to her dying mother.

    Ice forming just at her fingertips grasping both ends of the blade using the last remaining strength she had in conjoining the two blades together. Once done, she settles it onto Y/n's awaiting hands.

    Speaking the words, "So you can remember the both of us together."

    Tear by tear began falling onto the ground. "Mama," Y/n says sadly. "Please don't do this. Please let's just get you into a pod and heal you back."

    Mavros shakes her head, cupping her daughter's face. "That will not be so noble of me. If the gods want my death they shall have it." Clenching her jaw, Y/n refrained from crying any further. Feeling as her mother wipe away the stray tears. Shushing her, "All will be okay. I'll be with your grandma and grandpa up in the stars with all the fallen Kaltea's." Smiling widely, weakly. "I love you so much, my Little Star."

    Y/n gasps out, "You're breaking your promise... about not abandoning me again." Y/n gasped for the sweet burning air while her chest was slowly suffocating her. "You're leaving me again."

    Pulling her daughter's head into her chest patting down her hair, she apologizes, "I'm sorry. I am so sorry that I could never be the mother you wanted me to be."

    "I love you too Mom." Y/n snuggled into her hold. She needed to say those words. Needed her to hear that she had loved her through everything even when blinded by anger. She had loved her. Saying the words that she had never told her grandmother for when she had been killed.

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