𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎: 𝚂𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚜

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    It seemed as if the universe was a constant battle as Y/n listened as Coran told them all that the battleship arrived earlier than expected. Listened as a Galra soldier demanded the lions. Appearing on the screen only to disappear within that same moment. Listened as Hunk expressed his worries, "Not panic? The scary purple alien thing is driving his battleship towards us. We only have five lions."

    "Technically four working lions."

     "That's right, thank you Pidge," Hunk pats their shoulder, moving towards the middle of everyone.

     Y/n closed her eyes feeling as the warm air settled upon her skin. A pool of water developing just at her feet. Still left shivering from the bitter cold that her lion was located in. "Four working lions and a castle that's, like, ten thousand years old."

     Coran added, "Actually it's ten thousand and sixty hundred years old." Proudly, he adjusts his collar, spewing a fact, "You see it was built by my grandfather—"

     Hunk shushed the man, "Thanks, Coran. Thank you for that. See? It is a perfect time to panic!"

     "Wait!" Allura remembers. "This castle has a particle barrier we can activate."

     Lance leans back a little, arms crossed with a devilish smirk, "Girl you already activated my particle—"

     "Lance!" Shiro interjects.

     The battleship showed up on the screen. Red filling the ion cannon. Coran explained, "The particle barrier won't hold Sendak's ion cannon forever. The Galra technology must have advanced since we fought them last."

     "Panic now?"

     "No. We've just got to figure out our plan of action, and figure it out quickly."

     "I say, we pop through a wormhole and fight to live another day."

     "I second that! Yes! We tried to find all the lions, right? We gave it the old college try. Couldn't do it. We only have four lions. We can't form Voltron." Hunk rambled and rambled on, "I guess we could form a snake. Or a worm."

     Tuning out all of their words, Y/n slipped off her creme white cardigan. Her shoulders raising from the forgotten weight of drench clothing. Lifting it up she frowns, staring at it.

     Moving she hangs it up leaving it to dry out. Leaving herself out in her black turtleneck and dark colored jeans. Cracking her neck she overhears Shiro raising his voice, "Guys! Stop!" Speaking much quieter, softly, "Princess Allura, these are your lions. You've dealt with the Galra empire before. You know what we're facing better than any of us. What do you think is the best course of action?"

     She's quiet at first before stammering out within another moment, "I...I don't know."

    Coran looks at her with a look of soft adoration, "Perhaps your father can help."

    Confusion overcame her as she repeated those words that she never thought of once learning of his death, "My father?"

     Leaning against the wall, eyes staring into oblivion. Mindlessly allowing Pidge to play with your fingers rambling on and on about how they found the Green lion and what the place was like.

     Only quieting when the doors to the bridge opened revealing Allura in pink armor. Instantly speaking, "You six paladins were brought here for a reason. The Voltron lions are meant to be piloted by you and you alone. We must fight and keep fighting until we defeat Zarkon. It is our destiny. Voltron is the universe's only hope. We are the universe's only hope."

White Storm | Voltron (Keith Kogane) [1]Where stories live. Discover now