𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡: 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗

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    You were already awake sketching in a sketchbook you had brought from Earth, scribbling lines of forming art before the blaring alarms filled your ears.

    The intercoms inside the castle echoed out, "Everybody up! Zarkon's attacking!"

    Grabbing a hold of her bayard she lets the sketchbook and pencil drop to the ground rushing to the bridge. "The Castle's about to be destroyed! Go! Go! Go! We need Voltron now! Hurry! We can't survive much longer!"

    Arriving onto the bridge along with the rest of your team (with the exception of Lance.) Coran dramatically said, "Oh no! Allura's dead! Aw, it's horrible. Her head fell off! Wait! What? Her severed head is trying to speak to me!" Speaking a bit lower, "What is it Allura's head? What are your final words?"

    "Coran," Allura calls out.

    "Oh, yes. Princess, I'm listening."

    "It's over," she informs the man.

    Placing her hands on her hips, Y/n eyebrows knitting together staring at both the princess and the old man. Blinking, choking back words she desperately wanted to say. "Oh! I know. If only Voltron had been formed," Coran continued, going on and on.

    "Oh! Time." Coran noticed the five.

    Shiro sighs out, "I guess this isn't an actual attack."

    Looking down at Pidge, rubbing their eyes. Y/n wrap her arms around them tugging them closer into her keeping them standing whilst they rest their eyes for a few more minutes.

    Allura crosses her arms, stating, "And it's a good thing it wasn't because it took you... Coran?"

    "Seventy-five degrees," Coran responds. "Oh, sorry. No, this is a meat thermometer."

    Allura waves it off, turning back to team Voltron. "However long it took. It was too long. You must always be ready to do battle with Zarkon." She walks towards you five. "Look at you! Shiro is the only one in uniform. And Y/n is the only one with her bayard. Hunk, Pidge, Keith where are yours? And where is Lance?"

    The bridge doors open revealing none other than the blue paladin with a cup of... something. Looking moisturized and refreshed. Muttering, "The fuck." Y/n stares him down.

    Lance enters the room in his blue robe and blue lion slipper. Raising an eyebrow, Y/n couldn't help but wonder how he got all those stuff. Yawning he greets, "Good morning, everybody. What's going on?" He walks towards everyone sipping on his drink as if it was coffee.

     Strangely Y/n was reminded of when she was at the Garrison having breakfast with her friends or family. Hunk always managed to convince her to go eat with them during meals claiming that it was team bonding when in actuality he wanted to become your friend. Agreeing every single time, you ate alongside him quietly chatting in the morning neither of you morning people. But there was Lance strolling in refreshed and energized looking as if the world wasn't going to take him down. Making a beeline towards the coffee and poured himself a cup and made himself a plate before settling right besides his childhood best friend.

    Instantly he was in a chatting mood. Always splurging up conversations, flirting with nearby ladies or you. But then again that was Lance McClain for you.

    The man that gave the world a large smile hiding any pain he might have.

    Allura keeps her arms crossed turning back to the team, informing, "Coran and I have been up for hours getting the Castle back in order. We had to run a test on the alarms, and we decided to test you as well. Guess which one failed." Her lips pursed in a disapproving look.

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