𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢: 𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊

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Having the cube form back into one. Zarkon was here. Zarkon had found you all. Words dying at the tip of her tongue. Just before she could hear anything. Just before you could feel her body begin to panic all she felt was dizziness, light headed. Right before she collapsed onto the ground. Fainting.

Smelling that scent.

The scent made from old perfume and old pages from old books. Her grandma.

Peeling her eyes open, her eyes met with that same ceiling, the ceiling she hadn't thought of seeing ever since she was ten years old.

Her hands grasping a hold of soft fabric that she remembers as her blanket. Sitting up, she looked down, she was in her bed. In her childhood bed. Blinking, she tosses them off of her recognizing her legs to be as her own and not some kind of memory.

"You're finally awake."

Shooting her head up towards the sound, she takes in the woman that sat besides the window, holding a cup of her finest tea. All Y/n could do was blink. Her mouth becoming dry, no words able to leave from her own damn vocal cords. Remaining speechless only staring at her grandmother.

Slowly she stands up. Her two feet meet the wooden floor beneath her. Hearing skin smack against the wood. Lips parting. Eyes gawking.

Her eyes that matched yours turned towards you, settling her cup down onto the windowsill. Her shoulders rounded, lowering, relaxing at the sight of you. Her own mouth forming syllables with a voice all enjoyed, "Haven't I and your grandfather taught you its not best to stare head on. At least adjust your eyes to look like you're not staring at me."

Licking her lips, Y/n's body moved all on its own. Moving towards the other side of the windowsill, settling herself upon it. A cup of tea summoning in front of Vurana's. "I can't be dead," were the first words you stated.

Vurana assured, "You're not."

A breath you didn't realize you were holding finally left, that carbon dioxide leaving as oxygen flushed everything else. "Your body just shut down." Snapping your head towards her, she explains with a soft warm smile, "And by shutting down I mean it forced you to fall asleep, to rest."


Vurana didn't answer, just picked up her cup and sipped her tea. Staring at the stars sewn in the sky to tell different iterations of stories.

"How did you know Zarkon?"

Again she didn't answer.

"How is he tracking us?"

"Curious curious mind my dear." Vurana smirks. "Asking too many questions instead of greeting me."

Y/n's eyes hardened. Slamming her hand onto the windowsill that acted as a table for their tea. "Answer me!" She screams harshly, violently.

Vurana's calm cold calculated eyes met with yours, head being held high. Face lacking emotions. It was unnatural. But then again talking to the dead wasn't natural whatsoever. Yet here you sat. "Watch your tone when you speak to me, child." Her chin dips dangerously so.

Y/n lifted her head higher, eyes holding their own vile power. "What are you going to do to me?" She dared to ask. "Ground me? You're dead the last time I checked."

"Yet here you are talking to me."


Once again no answer sprouted from her.

White Storm | Voltron (Keith Kogane) [1]Where stories live. Discover now