𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎: 𝚁𝚎𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑

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    Only they didn't get the chance to as something entered its atmosphere as well. Slamming into the ground. Everything shaking beneath them. Hunk was the first to speak, daring to fill the void of noiseless comms, "Please tell me there's not a giant monster in there. Please tell me it's empty. Or full of space candy. One of those two. Either one is fine."

     "I don't think it's a pinata, Hunk," Lance tells his best friend.

    Keith spoke from his spot, "If it's the same kind of monster that attacked us on Arus, we already know how to beat it."

    Y/n hums down putting in her two cents, "I don't think Zarkon would send something that we already took down."

     A sword and shield was formed, waiting patiently for the monster to come lurking out. Watching as the metal wall that had come to act as a cage fell harshly onto the ground making harsh winds and a terrible noise.

     Something in Y/n's gut told her that this was something entirely different. That this—what they were doing was going to get them hurt.

     The monster before them didn't look anything remotely like the first one. Where the first one was much of a brute, large and heavy shoulders this one was lean (as much as a robot could be lean) with thin long arms with several holes leading up and down. And the eyes. Those robotic eyes worked itself to life, humming. Shifting into place, a green glow emitted from this monster. That glow grew brighter and brighter until it shot straight at them. Shoving them backwards.

    Hunk cries out, "It's not candy!"

    "And it's not the same monster!" Lance says afterwards.

     Moving to the side, Voltron was able to get away from the beam. Shiro ordered, "We need to draw its fire away from the Balmera's surface."

    Shot. Dodging. Nothing seemed to tire out this monster, only coming at it again and again. Gaining some closure, throwing the sword to it.

     The monster was quick enough to weave out of the way, using an eye to shoot at Voltron.

    Knocked back hard, Voltron recovers quickly flying side to side almost in a zigzag formation. Trying their best to avoid the shots.

    "We can't hold out!" said Lance.

     "My lion is weakening!" Pidge then states, "If the shield sustains structural damage we're done for."

    "Pidge is right," Keith says.

    "Oh, Pidge is right. I'm the one that said we can't hold—"

    "Lance, this isn't the time to take credit for who said what first!" Y/n yells.

    "Watch your footing."

    The blue lion backs up until it loses stability, making Voltron fall backwards and hit the ground hard.

    Shiro spoke down the comms, "Okay, team Voltron, disband."

    Listening to the leader, they split into six different lions, disbanding Voltron entirely. "Everyone evasive maneuvers! It can't shoot us all at once." 

    Spreading out its arm wide and long the several holes that lead up and down the inside of its arm glow the same type of green, the same green laser beams were shot all over as if it had heard Shiro and proved him wrong.

    "Okay, it can do that too," Shiro murmurs mostly to himself.

    Flying through the laser beams trying not to get caught, a familiar blue hit the monster. Aiming towards the castle-ship, the alien focused all its energy towards it.

White Storm | Voltron (Keith Kogane) [1]Where stories live. Discover now