𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚂𝚒𝚡: 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚝-𝙳𝚎𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚛

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    Once getting back to the castle-ship everything settled and calmed. Besides the mere fact that there were shadows crawling around Y/n which made Hunk get the bright idea to try touching them or try to.

    In the end Y/n had to stand several feet away from everyone for a couple of hours.

     Now standing there alongside them discussing how to take down Zarkon and his empire. Hunk waking himself up from snoring, "What?! What'd I miss?!"

    Lance smirks, "Oh nothing important. We've just figured out a way to defeat Zarkon."

    "Really? I dozed for ten minutes—" Longer than that. "—and you guys figured out how to defeat the forces of evil?"

    Pidge corrects, "You've been asleep for three hours."

    Hunk smiles nervously, only for his eyes to widen at the sight standing right in front of him. Noticing just how Kolivan and Mavros stood close besides their daughter, practically squishing her.

    The corner of Shiro's lips quivers upwards, "I think we've got something here." Finally they were going to defeat Zarkon and take his empire down once and for all. "It's dangerous and there's a lot of moving parts, but if we can coordinate everything just right, then..."

    "Zarkon's reign will be at an end," Kolivan finishes. "And the savagery that's poisoned our universe can finally be cleansed. You've done it Shiro."

    "We did it together." The leader of Voltron holds out a hand towards the leader of the Blade.

    Kolivan's hand grasped the end of Shiro's forearm. Staring at it, Y/n had to laugh inside of her own head. Her grandmother taught her the mixed customs of altean and galra. "As long as we all stick to the plan, it should work," Allura couldn't help but watch the galra's with unease.

     Kolivan hid his glare as for his daughter, she didn't. Y/n glared at her. "It will work. Perhaps, then, you'll learn that not all Galra are as bad as Zarkon."

    Her blue eyes found a hold of where Keith stood, isolating himself from everyone. Muttering only herself to hear, "I hope not."

    Antok speaks through his mask, "Ulaz was right to trust you all."

    "He sacrificed everything to bring us together. Let's honor him by taking down Zarkon."

    The three teenagers finally join in the conversation, walking towards the area. Hunk asked, "So, what's the plan?"

    "The plan is amazing!" Lance practically screams. Astraea places a hand on his shoulder to calm him down a little bit but it didn't work as he fell into gladdening confidence. "First, we infect Zarkon's ship with a virus. Then we make an extra-large wormhole and lure Zarkon inside of it, zapping him a bajillion light-years away. Then when he pops out on the other side, all like 'Oh, why doesn't my ship work?' Voltron kicks his butt." Imitating gun sounds.

    Y/n's eyes couldn't help but take in the red paladin. Actually take in his looks for the first time in a long time. She couldn't help but notice just how his hair fell over his violet eyes. How his lips thinned when concentrating, when listening intently. His body stiff and tense awaiting to be ordered.

    If she had to sketch him out, paint him whole and frame it for all to see she would title it 'A Warrior That Knows No Peace.' That was Keith. A warrior that knew little to no peace. Always on guard. Always fighting some kind of battle that be physical or mental or even emotional.

White Storm | Voltron (Keith Kogane) [1]Where stories live. Discover now