𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗: 𝙶𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛

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To everyone's disbelief, Voltron formed without the White Lion.

After that day in the training deck, Y/n had refused to speak to anyone but Pidge. And only them would they talk to.

So it wasn't shocking when she had completely locked herself in her bedroom and left doing what she always did when she was stuck in her mind but wanted to be present. Sketching.

Dragging the pencil across the white sheet of paper having her armor in the corner of her room. Not having any use of it for the particular moment.

Taking her eyes off of her sketchbook towards her bag, closing the book closed she was taken over by some kind of desire to go down memory lane. Slipping her hand into her bag, slipping out a photo album, she takes it back to her bed sitting there.

Sitting there for a moment, she dares open it. The first photo her eyes landed on was an old one. One from her Grandmother's youth. The only one from that time. Picking it up she stares at it, stares at the colored photo. There Vurana was in between a man that shared Allura's skin tone, shared some of his looks. The same blue arrows on his cheeks as Coran. Then there was another man besides her with purple skin, having more of a reptile features. And three others that were definite aliens. All wearing their version of modern clothes.

But there was Vurana standing in between two Altean men. Wearing what she always wore a black turtleneck, dark brown trousers and that white creme cardigan that Y/n held dear to. Her cheeks also having arrows to them. Pink arrows. The same as Allura's.

Coran standing behind her. Behind Vurana.

Sitting there, she sighs mumbling to herself, "Just what were you hiding Grandma V."

Though Y/n didn't have time to dwindle in such thoughts, to ask a million questions only for them to never be answered. Hearing muffling through her helmet. Moving quickly she grabs it listening in, "Team, come in! We need backup."

Quickly throwing on her armor, she ran towards the bridge, heading into her lion not daring to waste any ounce of time.

Hopping onto the beast as Pidge was forced down onto the ground. The robotic beast twists and turns before lifting an animatronic arm grabbing a hold of the White lion throwing it off of him.

Rolling on the ground, Y/n quickly recovered. Standing up her lion staring at the beast as Shiro did something similar as her. Keeping it occupied until help arrived. Only for the same thing to happen to him.

Being tossed on the ground, Shiro slid next to Pidge.

Shots being fired from other lions.

Keith ordered, "Lay down some covering fire so they can get out of there!"

Lance yells, "I'm on it." Shooting as well.

Flying out, Y/n joins the fight. Shooting the beast. Hunk ran towards it, saying, "Check this out! Battle-lion head-butt!" Shoving his Yellow lion into the back, making the gladiator fall onto the ground.

"You guys okay down there?" Keith asks.

"Still alive for now," Shiro answers truthfully.

The two fly up towards the team. Hunk asking panicky, "Are the Galra behind this?"

Shiro gave an answer, "I think so, but I've never seen anything like it." He confesses afterwards.

"So what's the plan?" Lance asks afterwards. "Shoot at it with everything we've got? Take out its weapons? Call it names?" Lance began listing out what he sought logically.

White Storm | Voltron (Keith Kogane) [1]Where stories live. Discover now