𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛: 𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎

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     Running was a natural instinct for Y/n. Running away from things that occurred randomly, that would cause more harm than good. Allowing her own feet to take her anywhere blindly and she would obey.

    And for when she couldn't run away physically, she would run away mentally. Allowing her mind to take her far away from everything she couldn't handle being.

     It was an old habit that had stirred when she was a toddler.

     Grandma V had always told her it started much younger, when she was born into the world.

     Y/n doubted that. Doubted that a baby with no worries to the world would ever want to run away. A toddler perhaps as she couldn't form words and was still trying to navigate the new world only to be left not understood. Running away probably was an opening at being understood that she wished to be understood rather than ignored or the opposite some days.

    That habit of hers had never left. It was prominent. Always coming back. It hit the hardest at the age of ten when her grandmother had finally. When the world had lost its good spark and nothing was good anymore. She remembered just how she felt, just how isolated she wanted to be.

    Running away to gasp for replenished air hiding away in an area that she would still be found in.

     It happened again when she got the news a year ago that her best friend, her adoptive brother, her adoptive father were lost to a mission due to pilot error. She ran. Her mind running as she couldn't have left campus unless she wanted out of Garrison.

     She remembered how she sat on her bed, knees tucked in. Barely could she do anything. Her body felt like it couldn't do anything. Barely eating. Barely sleeping. Until Pidge managed to contact her about her stringing theories of them being alive. A hopeless hope that she herself indulged in as well rather than chase it off and away.

     Gripping the handlebars, her eyes narrowing glancing over to her side at the teenage boy who sat there with a watchful skeptical glare. "What?" Y/n questioned.

     Keith turned away, not answering any question thrown his way.

     "If you think I'm a bad pilot just say that," Y/n spoke for him. "Instead of just glaring."

     "I'm not glaring," He forced out of his own mouth not meeting her eyes. "And you are a bad pilot."

     Rolling her eyes, her lips pursing, "I haven't even made you feel sick."

     "It doesn't matter if you make me sick, you're a bad pilot."

    "I liked it better when you were quietly brooding."

     "First you want me to talk, second you want me to quiet, and third I don't brood," Keith finally faces her.

    Y/n only let out a hum, giving him a knowing doubtful look. Keith let out an irritated scoff as Y/n tilted the pod downwards flying into the atmosphere looking at the tracker, following it to a T.

    Used to implementing some buttons threw her a bit off but she regained herself and lowered her mindless hand back to the handlebar flying calmly.

    Once passing into the atmosphere, descending beneath the clouds heavy rain poured harshly. The ground beneath is like a rainforest resembling much like Earth. If only Earth wasn't populated with humans but animals that grazed and lived solely by themselves.

    Settling the pod onto a wide wet open meadow.

    Y/n slips out of the pod holding onto the tracker, wrapping her cardigan tightly around her. Turning towards Keith, she says, "Go."


    "Go." The winds rubbed and slapped against her.

     Keith raises an eyebrow at her, "And leave you to defend yourself? Do you have some kind of death wish?!" He yells out over the howling winds.

     Her lips sewn with each other before she speaks out the most logical thought she could give, "There's a chance Allura has found the Red lion. Go get it."

     Shaking his head, he looks around speaking his mind, "And what if Galra are here? You're going to get captured."

    Y/n sighs out feeling shivers running up and down her arms and spine. The rain beating on her drenching her in the freezing temperatures. "Can we quit arguing? I am absolutely freezing out here."

    "Then get back in and we'll find your lion some other way than you walking—"

     Entirely done with the conversation, Y/n turned away and started walking forward, following the tracker, guiding herself to her lion. Keith called after her. But she plainly waved him off rushing towards the White lion. The wind licking every surface of skin until she was left shaking vigorously.

     Closing her eyes, she fought against the desire to run back to the pod and find warmth in there. She just continued onward, thinking of thousands of complaints of her entire chaotic dysfunctional adventure.

     Finding herself in the middle of trees, rain still leaves her drench. Mud covering the bottom of her shoes as grass squished with each step she took.

     Her eyes landed on the tracker. It informed her that she was there. Right on top of it actually.

     Lifting her (color) eyes she looks everywhere around. Taking a deep breath in and exhaling softly. She sighs heavily, closing her eyes. She had come to decide then and there that she would shut everything out. Every noise. Every touch that grazed her skin. And just feel. Feel for the lion that would be hers if chosen.

     Within the third heartbeat her legs dragged her to the left heading across from where she stood. Stepping off the grass and onto slippery rock. Carefully she goes over them making sure not to slip as the rain continues to pour and pour.

    Her eyes lifted up once more towards the thick long trees, her eyes finding something hidden beneath the bark. A force field wrapping around it. The same one from Lance's Blue lion. Heading up to it, she exhales in relief of finally finding it.

     Placing a hand onto the force field, the barrier instantly faltering, breaking down. Yellow eyes flashing. It's head moving towards the ground, mouth falling agape.

    Standing there, eyebrows knitting together. Y/n can't help but notice and feel the lion's immediate choice for her. It was peculiar in a way. A peculiar thing she didn't have time to think of at the moment.

    She had forever to do so later.

     Right at this moment, she needed to get back to the castle before the wormhole dropped.

     Entering the lion, she settles herself on the chair. It moving towards the glowing technological dashboard. Grasping a hold of the handlebars similarly to how she held the pod's, she began flying upwards. Heading straight towards the wormhole and getting out of there as quickly as possible.

     Hoping that Keith had at least given in and listened to her and didn't choose to stick around.

     Hoping that Keith had at least given in and listened to her and didn't choose to stick around

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