𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗: 𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎

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𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎

"I give you my word we're not lying," Astraea looks up at Allura with hard eyes. "We're all just trying to win this war. Just trust us."

Looking away, the princess huffs out, "Fine. Slow and steady, Coran. Head for the xanthorium cluster."

"Yes, princess. Beginning approach. Impact imminent in five... four... three... two..." Silence from his end before his own voice sounds out his thoughts, "Well, that's something."

"What is it?" Allura questions.

"Putting it up on screen now."

Blending of colors all from different shades all moving with and for the other. Bending snapping. The stars are burning close yet far. "Amazing. They're folding space."

"It's like a space taco," Hunk spoke his thoughts out loud. "Or a space calzone. Or a space-time soup dumpling and we're the soup. Hey, is there a cafeteria on this thing?"

Finally breaking through getting to the core of it all purples and blues blending in such bursting hues. It looked beautiful. Mouth becoming agape as you stared at it completely dumbfounded, mind boggled by such sights.

To have that ounce of technology to bend and warp space under its own will to hide something far greater... all you could simply, plainly do was shake your head and continue to gawk at such sight. Left wondering just how the Blade of Mamora operated. How they could be this advanced and this secretive without flashing some ounce of rebellion to Zarkon and his entire army.

"Welcome to the Blade of Marmora Communication Base Thaldycon." Ulaz announces. Standing up the galra soldier, informs them, "Now if you'll excuse us, we need to send a message to the leadership. They need to know we've made contact with Voltron."

Allura side eyed the alien, demanding such things, "Go with him and keep an eye on them. I'm staying here."

And off they went, taking the red lion. From there inside the cramped lion, Y/n had managed to find herself by the seat right next to Keith but staying close with Astraea and Ulaz. Flying in close and steady.

Looking out into what she had now called a sky there was something... something inside her that seemed to burst at such dancing daring energies. Some ounce of her wanted to reach out and touch the walls of their enclosure of this folded space. To allow the darkness to thread through her fingertips, dance across her figure.

It seemed treacherous to think such thoughts, to allow herself to indulge in such things. "Haggar was right," she could hear Astraea's voice fill her mind covering every thought saying that wretched name. "You are violence."

A low growl rippled through you, "Don't call me that."

A dazzling smirk settled on the blonde's lip, humming out with a sweet and venomous tone, "Live up to your title, Violence. It only makes your enemy more aware of what you truly are." Y/n could feel eyes stare into the side of her skull. "An untamable weapon at your own damn disposal."

There in the communication center, soaking everything in barely listening to anyone's words. Y/n couldn't help but study the words her best friend had come to tell her in the red lion. An untamable weapon at your own damn disposal. She couldn't understand what that meant. What Astraea wasn't fully telling her.

Then again, Astraea was different from when she first went up to the Kerberos mission to now. That once adorned freckled skin had now been peppered with small scars. And to what you'll find out much later, two robotic legs (all to help achieve at making a weapon far more skillful than any sentry and soldier combine.)

White Storm | Voltron (Keith Kogane) [1]Where stories live. Discover now