𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗: 𝙰𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎

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Second time going through the pod was an experience to say the least. Experiencing some sort of fever dream she can't even recall.

Yet standing as if she hadn't been stabbed twice and her ass handed to her. Walking normally. Doing things people shouldn't be able to do with almost bleeding to death. The only evidence that those things happened to her was the two abnormally large jagged scars that fit with the blade of the holder.

That morning, after she got out of the pod and into her clothes she had trained her ass off up until she got to level twenty. Up until Shiro finally awoke.

Now standing behind Pidge trying her best to stay away from Keith as possible. Pidge continues to type away looking for coordinates in Shiro's arm. When finding nothing, she frowns, turning to their leader, "I'm not finding any coordinates in here. Are you sure this wasn't just a dream?"

"I'm positive," Shiro says. "Someone helped me escape."

"And he was Galra?" Allura frowns in distaste for the alien race that took everything from her.

Shiro looks away from her, answering with a second beat, "Yes."

"You know you cannot trust them."

"Your father must have trusted them once. Zarkon was the original paladin. Wasn't he?" Shiro points out informing everyone else.

Lance's eyes widened, "What?!"

Allura lips pulled into a scowl, her shoulders tensing. "That was a long time ago."

"Didn't you see how he stole the Black lion right out from Shiro?" Keith spoke from behind Y/n. Jumping at the sound of his voice, Y/n looks behind her shoulder frowning him standing there, so close to her. Noting Pidge fact. "Or that he could do that cool stuff with his bayard. Shiro's bayard. You know the black one."

Shutting her eyes closed, Allura's jaw flexes under the pressure. As Shiro demands, "Why didn't you just tell us the truth about Zarkon?"

"I wanted to protect you from its dark history of the paladins," Allura confesses. "So that you would have a chance to bond with your lions on your own. You are the Black paladin. Not Zarkon."

Shiro looks away from the princess scoffing out, "Yeah, well, the black lion may have a different take on the matter."

Cutting everyone off Pidge hums out, "Wait a second I see it now." They begin to explain, "Some repeating numbers in all this Galra code. Let me extract it." Pulling up coordinates. Shock clear in their voice, "They are coordinates! They lead here: the Thaldycon system."

"Then that's where we're headed," Shiro announces.

"Shiro, are you sure you can trust this?" Keith looks at the man he views his brother softly. "I mean after all the Galra have done to you—they took your arm."

"It's worth the risk. Someone helped me escape. If we can locate some allies in our fight with Zarkon, especially ones from his own side, we might just find a way to take him down."

Allura sighs, "We can check the location. But I do not like this."

Y/n rolls her eyes, saying, "No one said you had to." The princess glares at her. "What? It's true. You're the only one throwing a hissy fit about the Galra. What if there's some that defy Zarkon? That has the same goals as we do. Want the same outcome we plan to execute."

Only her words were heard by everyone except Allura.

Alarms on everyone's screen. Noises drowning out everything else. Standing up, Y/n doesn't waste another moment in throwing her suit on and following Shiro's orders scouring the area for any threats that had managed to sneak aboard.

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