𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚃𝚠𝚘: 𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚕

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𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚕

    Dressed in ridiculous disguises all in going to a mall that seemed all too average. That looked absolutely normal. Like any mall on earth actually.

    "Uh, Coran," Pidge clears their throat. "This Unilu swap meet looks an awful lot like a regular mall."

    Astraea, the only one not dressed ridiculously, stares at the five paladins with her arms crossed trying her best not to laugh.

    "It does seem to be cleaner than I remembered." Coran turns towards you six. "Still be vigilant. The Unilu are cut-throat wheeler-dealers. So keep your hands on your coin satchels."

     Looking down at himself, Hunk says, "My satchels are empty."


     "Let's just get this over with." Keith grumbles.

     Astraea teases, "Awe does Mister Cowboy hate the little costume he had to put on." Keith shot her a glare.

     Slipping off the mask that covered the bottom half of her face, tearing it off of her. She listens to Coran, "Yes, right. Everyone, let's fan out, search the area for teleduv lenses. We'll meet by the giant clock here in one vaga. Don't be late. Try to blend in."

     As soon as he was gone, Y/n had finished peeling the costume off of herself, tossing them into the trash. The only thing she had seemed to keep was the mask. She didn't know why she just did.

     When the costume meets with the trash, Astraea grabs her wrist, instantly dragging her away. Reminding her when they would go to the mall together to talk and end up buying clothes or hair dye.

     Exploring the mall, the two of you left mingling with one another. Finding a store deep within the mall, Y/n kept her eyes on the time noting that they only had twenty minutes left.

      Being dragged into a store that looked all too similar as a human one. Furrowing her eyebrows together, she can't help but to ask, "Are we sure this is even an alien space mall? It looks so earth-like."

     Astraea laughs out loud her normal personality seeping through the one she made. Turning to her friend. "You'd be surprised to find things we have on Earth, n/n." Her hands lift up holding two boxes of purple hair dye.

     "I thought you only needed half a box for your tips." Y/n stares at the necklace left on display. It was simple nothing too flashy. It was just... you. This very necklace that was the same color as the one you currently wore but instead of the star there it looked to hold the space itself in a ball.

     Checking the price, Astraea clicks her tongue, "Well considering your hair it's most likely going to take a box and a half."

     Raising an eyebrow. "My hair?" Words almost hollowing out themselves. "What do you mean by that?" Twisting her body towards the fighter titled Carnage.

     "We're doing streaks remember?"

     "The fuck we are."

    "You promised."

     "The fuck I did!"

    Astraea crosses her arms, proudly recollecting the memory, "On my sixteen birthday you promised me when we turn eighteen we'd dye our hair. I with tips. You with streaks." She heads towards the counter. "We're eighteen the last time I checked."

     Dragging a hand over her face, she frowns, "How do you even remember that... I don't even remember that."

    "Who do you think got me through the arena." Astraea smiles buying the dyes and several different colored nail polish all coorelating to each paladin.

     Walking out of the shop, Y/n's eyes landed on the necklace once again. Tilting her head to the side. She hadn't realize a certian red paladin standing next to her. "Pretty necklace." He asks.

     Practically jumping out of your own skin, your body however remaining all too still turns towards him. "It is pretty." Y/n breathes. Her own two fingers finding her own. "Too bad we're here just for the teleduv."

     Strangely she taps his shoulder before joining Astraea in her walk back to the exit. Not noticing that Keith entered the shop. "You two are cute together," Astraea smiles invisioning your life. "Imagine that the two brooders together."

     "My god you are not letting that go are you?"

    "Nope. I even see you with two kids."

     "And what about you and Lance?" Y/n retorts. "You two have been getting cozy lately."

    Astraea rolls her eyes playfully, horribly concealing that smile of hers. "Lance McClain is just a playboy who only has his eyes on the princess."

    Y/n shrugs her shoulders, "Could've fooled me—how in the holy hell did they get a cow?"

      "What—Oh! That is an actual cow."

     The both of you watched as they scurried towards the exit. Security chasing right after them. Only stopping when Lance whacked his head on the frame of the exit. Both Y/n and Astraea shot each other a look before rushing pass the security guard checking up on the sharpshooter.

     Traveling to the Blade of Marmora was taking a bit longer than anticipated. So Astraea had a bright idea for everyone to have everyone hang out with one another in Y/n's bedroom.

     Lance criss crossed looks around asking, "Why is your bedroom larger than mine?"

     Y/n crosses her arms as Astraea begins leaving purple streaks in her hair, replying, "I don't know. I guess it was my grandmother's before everything happened."

    "This is so unfair," Lance huffs.

    "Is Loverboy still upset about not being able to play his video game?" Astraea teases, multi-tasking on handing Shiro the nail polishes she had bought.

     Lance brown eyes narrows, shaking his head accepting defeat before it could greet him.

     Shiro picks out the black nail polish grasping a hold of Y/n's hand beginning to paint her fingernails. Allura tilts her head to the side watching everything unfold, "What are you doing to her hand?"

     "Painting them?" Thought it sounded more like a question rather than an answer.


     "It's something that girls—" Shiro shoots Y/n a look. "That people do." Finishing one hand, Shiro moves onto the next painting all but the thumbs keeping that white. "To make their hands more pretty I guess."


    "It's just what humans do."

    "You humans have intresting customs."

    Y/n shrugs her shoulders left to watch as Shiro with extreme precision paint every single paladin's fingernails similar to how he painted hers leaving the thumb without black nail polish those were left to be colored by their paladin colors. Whilst Lance had taken liberty to color Shiro's entire right hand in the colors of their team. All five paladins color left on his hand.

 All five paladins color left on his hand

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