𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎: 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐

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    Stumbling backwards back meeting the wall. It felt unreal ethereal as sickness overcame her as they continued on through the wormhole. Once the feeling came it washed away as quickly as possible.

    Arriving at their unknown destination.

    "Whoa... that was..." Lance's words fell short as nothing could ever describe what they all just felt.

    Yet a sound filled the air, gruntled, gagging, someone vomiting. Closing her eyes, she tried her best to tune out such sounds but it was damn near impossible, "So sorry," he says in between throwing up.

    Pidge adjusted their glasses, saying, "I'm just surprised it took this long."

    "I don't recognize any of these constellations. We must be a long, long way from Earth," said Shiro, remaining calm.

    Lance informs everyone, "The lion seems to want to go to this planet. I think... I think it's going home."

    Heading into orbit, everyone smashing together into the seat. Lance yells, "Guys, personal space! Hunk, your breath is killing me."

    "Um, is it me or is anyone else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole? Why are we listening to a robotic lion anyways!"

    Lance snaps his head towards his best friend, "It got us away from that alien warship didn't it?"

    Keith says, "I don't know if you noticed, but we're in an alien warship."

    "Oh, you scared?" Lance teases, patronizingly.

    Keith scoffs, rolling his eyes, "With you at the helm? Terrified."

    Shiro interjected before the two could butt heads once more, "All right. Knock it off! No one's happy to be in this situation, but we're here now." He continues, "If we want to get through this, we've got to do it together."

    "So what do we do?" Pidge inquired.

    "First we figure out where we're headed. Lance?"

     All eyes fell on the Cuban boy who stared ahead of them all staring through the eyes of the blue lion. Answering honestly, "I don't know." He apologizes, "I'm sorry. The lion's not talking to me anymore."

    Y/n followed his line of sight seeing a castle there before them. Opening her mouth to say something, she was cut off by the flirt, "Wait! Shhh shhh! Listen, I think I hear something."

     Frowning, she started to hear a loud piercing scream. Why didn't you all hear the lion when... her thoughts went astray, instantly using the cardigan that smelled like old used books and old lady perfume hiding her nose from the disgusting vile scent before it were to ever make its mark on her nose.

     "You are a disgusting creature," Y/n mumbled as everyone else filled in their complaints when realization had dawn on them.

    Lance continues to smirk, adding, "But seriously, there's a castle up ahead."

     Getting closer to the castle, it glows with the same color as the cave's marking. Once on the ground, Shiro warns, "Keep your guard up."

     "Something wrong?"

     "My crew was captured by aliens once. I'm not going to let it happen again."

     Leaving the lion, standing there before the castle, Y/n eyes narrowed staring at it. Her hand instantly made its way towards her necklace messing with the star. Tracing, twisting and turning it.

White Storm | Voltron (Keith Kogane) [1]Where stories live. Discover now