Chapter Thirteen

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Evan drove us to dinner, we went to the same restaurant that we first ever seen each other, he was being so nice all night, paying me compliments constantly, my legs were locked in his while he held my hand from across the table, the amount of people that spoke to him when we walked in was crazy, I guess he is fairy popular.

What surprised me was the women that oogled him, and there was a lot of them but he never once looked their way, he kept his eyes on me constantly.

His finger traced over my hand as he lent closer “I don't like the way half the men in here are staring at you” he said lowly, darkness surrounding his voice. I never wanted him to feel jealous since he's the only guy in here I have eyes for.

“they can look but I'm here with you and leaving with you” I smiled back squeezing his hand softly, the lady brought our drinks over, then left again “I don't understand how you had never been with more men since you clearly attract a lot of attention”

I looked up at him and sighed “I didn't have time for boys in school and after I left school I was sick of being asked for sex constantly and I worked like 15 hours a day everyday except Sundays, so on Sundays I spent the day with my family then of an evening I would sit on my couch watching Mad Men and eating a whole lemon meringue pie”

“I think that's what I like about you so much, your not someone who sleeps around and you work hard but yet when you stop working you don't bring it up you just leave it at the office, why doesn't the fact you watch Mad Men surprise me”

I gave a chuckle “yeah I have a sick man in suit obsession and it's a pretty good show”

“never seen it, I don't watch TV much actually, wait you said you ate a full lemon meringue pie every Sunday”

I blushed “don't judge me I have a mouth full of sweet teeth, I love lollies, desserts, anything with sugar”

A woman came over and brought us our dinner, I ordered the chicken stirfry and Evan got a pasta with prawns through it, our food was really delicious.

“you know you look really handsome tonight Evan” I whispered low, he gave a grin taking a mouthful of his beam and coke.

“so did you want to come to that party mum is throwing next weekend?” he asked once he set the drink back down.

“do you want me to go?” I asked

“yes, I would like you to come with me as my date, I never go to them but I want to go and for you to come with me”

“ok, I will come with you” I said then realised what I said, his eyes flickered to mine then a grin spread across his face “oh baby I know you will”.

We finished dinner and headed back to the car, I couldn't wipe the smile of my face since Evan had kissed me in the restaurant when we both stood up, he just walked towards me placing a hand on my cheek and kissing me, in front of everyone and everyone seen it, hell I didn't get how sweet he can be.

Evans hand slipped into mine as we crossed the road “so ready to go back or do you want to go somewhere else?” he asked as he opened the door for me.

“you choose, I'm not fussed” I smiled once he got in his side.

We headed back to his place after we went for a drive around the city, he showed me some of the views around town at night time which were absolutely breath taking, it was way better compared to Melbourne, I was speechless at how pretty everything was.

Evan pressed the PH button on the lift after swiping over a card, which I found out it was a security card so no one else could get in. His hot breath blew from behind across my neck as he pulled my hair to one side giving little kisses “Evan” I moaned taking his hand in mine.

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