Chapter Thirty Three

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I fell to the cool sheets and my eyes fluttered shut, Evan's warm naked body shifting and kissing me slowly over my naked back as his arms slid around the front of my chest, his hand cupping my breast as he slid his leg through mine.

"The bed is well christened" He spoke softly.

I sleepily smiled "Mmm it was amazing as always, I love how you feel against me"

"Same, you tired yet?" He laughed slightly reaching over and lifting his watch to check the time "Shit babe it's almost 4am"

I spun around the sheets so I was facing him "Sleep?" I asked and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer towards me and hitching my thigh up "Just once more baby"

He lent forward, kissing me softly and pushing my body back into the mattress, my legs wrapping around his thighs as we moved slowly against me, painfully slow to a point of every nerve in my body was on fire, two more deep strokes inside me and I was clinging to his body and crying out over his mouth as I came yet again, I was so sore and numb down there but the way he made me feel was amazing.

His sweating body fell to mine and his hot breath breathing over my face "I love you"

I cupped his cheeks, lifting my head and kissing him "I love you too, can we go shower and then sleep?"

He nodded and pulled out, yes we forgot again and after the second time Evan had said 'fuck it, if it happens it happens' I didn't know what that meant but I wasn't as freaked out as I thought I would be.

His hands running through my hair, washing the bubbles and soap off me and the smell of fruity scrub filled the bathroom, his deep scent just getting a slight whisk in.

"So, today what are we up too?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen, turns out all that sex had made us hungry.

"What would you like to do?"

"Sleep, I think I'm getting jet lagged" I yawned.

He cracked a grin "Well it's a wonder it hadn't happened already, you barely slept when came home and your on a different time zone"

I snuggled into his chest as he stirred the eggs in the fry pan, yes he was cooking since we didn't have someone to do it for us, I wasn't letting these men have a cleaner, chef or anything else, they could do it on their own.

"So, how about we sleep and then come Easter Sunday we'll spend Easter together?" He let out a yawn and I nodded, that sounded really good.

An hour later and he flicked the tv off in our room and pulled me closer into his chest "Your happy with this, living here aren't you?" I asked quietly.

He let out a yawn and rubbed my back in slow circles "It's not the living situation I thought I would be in at almost 30, but I will do it for you, until your ready for us to be on our own"

I looked up at him, his dark hair falling softly over his brows, my hand reached up and brushed it away "Your amazing, I love you and we will be on our own soon I promise, this could be like a practise run for when we buy a home together, we could look if you like?"

He laughed "Emilia your one of a kind, yes lets look for our own home, but there isn't any hurry. I like this place, I love getting to hold you morning and night"

"Same" I yawned and my eyes fell shut, this time they didn't open.

No idea how long we slept for but when I woke it was darkness and I was alone, I looked at the clock at it was 7am, I wanted to head butt myself. The bedroom door opened and Evan walked in looking happier than normal "Your finally up sleeping beauty"

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