Chapter One

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For so long I had missed that sight, the man taking long strides towards me, his blonde messy hair blowing slightly, those light ocean blue eyes lighting up from the cheeky grin smothered across his face, the thing I couldn't take my eyes off though was his dark grey pinstriped suit that was so well fitted against his body moving with him, his white crisp shirt loosely unbuttoned at the top exposing his minimal chest hair, he stood at a good 6.2'' while I was a short 5.4”, although when I wore heels I came close to a 6”.

I clung hold of my long deep chocolate brown hair as it blew around in the wind from the private jet as I walked forwards meeting my best friend half way, the jet was still powered up ready for take off again even thou it just landed not even three minutes ago.

I came face to face with him, my smile matched his as he wrapped his arm around me pulling me closely but not holding to tightly, I on the other hand squeezed him with everything I had, I let the tears flow from my eyes “I've missed you Flynn Benson” I yelled over the loud engine of the jet.

Pulling back as he picked up my baggage next to my feet he gave me his famous grin “I've missed you too Emilia Haven, so damn much”.

We sat in the luxury jet owned by Flynn himself, he was the CEO one of the largest law firms in Queensland, he was currently about to start working for Mason Enterprise, a multi billion dollar investment firm, who just fired their entire law firm over a paperwork mess up.

I looked up towards Flynn who hadn't taken his eyes off me since we sat down opposite each other.

His scotch in one hand slightly swirling around in his glass while the other hand rested on his thigh “I had the guest room set up for you” he gave a smile then stuck his tongue out at me, knowing I told him not to do that for me.

“you didn’t have to do that, I told you I didn’t mind staying in a hotel” I scolded sticking my tongue back out at him.

I had packed up my life here, left my friends and family, well not that I had a family anymore, but still I had left the friends I worked with since I was 17, and trust me the job I was in I actually had a lot of friends, my face book account had five hundred friends, did I know them all? Yes I worked with pretty much all of them.

My work was constantly busy, I rarely had free time and when I did I was either in my hotel suite or at Flynn's apartment, or I went to the occasional party or night club for the girls nights with the co workers, but that rarely happened.

I was a workaholic and it was a good thing, I got paid very well since I had to be on my A game each day, I would work 20 hours a day if needed and I never once complained. So I honestly don't know why I was treated the way I was.

I glanced out the window as the jet took off down the runway slowly taking off up into the sky saying goodbye to the place I had called home for the past 21 years.

I was really happy to leave Melbourne and the wet weather behind, moving to a new place and the smouldering hot city on the Gold Coast of Queensland, I was actually looking forward to the change, I slipped off my flats, stretching out my red painted toes.

Flynn stood up moving closer towards me as the jet steadied when as the pilot announced it was fine to get out of our seats “show me” his voice low but demanding as he took my hand in his helping me upwards.

He pulled my red thick woollen coat off sitting it down on the plush leather recliner I was just in, I was left in a white tank top and leggings “all off” he sighed, I wasn’t afraid to be in my underwear in front of him, hell he had seen me naked more than anyone.

I held my arms up as he peeled my tank top off sitting it with the jacket, I slipped down the leggings so I was just standing in front of him wearing nothing but a black bra and matching panties.

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