Chapter Twenty Six

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Evan telling me he didn't tell anyone we had broken up was definitely not what I expected to hear, I was thinking more along the lines of, oh I kind of screwed someone or I told everyone that your a bitch.

I didn't respond right away, I mean how could I when everyone still thought we were a couple, they all still thought we were in a happy relationship and were doing long distance while I took a job offer.

Why the hell didn't Flynn tell me any of this!!!

If I was a smoker then I was pretty positive I would have gone through a packet in a very short time, Evan didn't push me to speak, he sat there quietly and patiently waiting for an answer and most likely expecting me to blow a fuse and kick him out.

I didn't get angry, no instead I just turned to him and opened my mouth to talk but closed it again, I did that for a total of four times before I managed to get the words from my brain to my mouth.

“ok well at least we don't have to explain to people why we broke up, so I guess it's good?” it was actually alright, it wouldn't have been so good if I didn't take him back. But he explained he was going to win me back once I got home anyway so in his eyes we were on a break, not fully broken up.

Yeah in my eyes we were broken up and he hated me.

I rolled over looking at the man I love “morning sexy girl” his voice heavy from sleepiness, I think it was around 4am before we finally fell asleep, Evan wanted me to tell him more about what I had been up too and fill him in on every little detail.

That was exhausting.

Plus I opened up a lot more about Haven to him, it was a huge relief to get that off my chest, I felt somewhat clearer in my mind with how things were now, I loved him and he loved me, we were going to be open and honest with each other, and there wasn't going to be secrets.

So then I made him tell me everything he had been up too, it was all pretty much work out, work, drink and pass out. He never went to any family events which pissed off his mum a fair bit.

It was nice to just lay in bed and cuddle, I missed his strong arms around me for so long and now I just didn't want to let him go.

“I missed this” I snuggled into his chest more holding him tightly, his arms holding me just as tightly.

“same, I missed you a lot, I want to go do something today with you” he stifled a yawn.

“like what?” since when did he ever want to just go and do something that wasn't planned in advance.

He rolled so he was laying on top of me, his body pressed into mine “baby I want to go to Lego land, I then want to go to those gardens and have lunch with you, then I have to head home and I'm kind of hoping you will come back with me?”

I pushed my mouth up to his and placed a soft kiss, pulling back slightly “I don't know if I can leave, I have a week left and what the hell is Lego Land?”

“toy blocks, I want to check it out and go to a toy store, there is one here that's huge” he grinned, oh god he was just like a little kid, I haven't seen this side of him before “I really don't want to leave without you babe” he pressed his lips back to mine.

“Evan I want you to make love to me” I looked at him seriously, both of us hadn't made any moves to go any further than kissing and I was sure as hell nervous. Evan seemed to feel the exact same, he moved back off me and pulled his boxers down, I did the same with my bottoms trying not to show him how eager I was, but seriously it had been seven weeks without his body against mine and I sure as hell was missing him.

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