Chapter 19 Blood

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Mintos POV

The mace was heavy in my hand and he looked perfectly trained compared to me. In one mighty swing he has me knocked to the ground gasping for breath. In an attempt to stay alive I try to throw the mace. It hits his thigh barely leaving a scrape. The orc then grabs me by my neck and lifts me off the ground. Realizing my time is short and I need to fight dirty to survive I do something undignified. I kick the orc hard right between the legs. It works like a charm. He drops me and falls to his knees with a loud wail. Using my advantage I grab the metal patch embedded in his skull and rip it out. As it turns out it was attached to some of his brain so that came out too. His death is instant.

"I'm a little terrified of you now" Legolas comments, I turn around a sheepish smile on my face, and the metal still in my hand.

"Not too scared I hope. I've quite taken a liking to you" I admit and drop the metal to the ground.

"I have taken a liking to you as well." A loud caw from above makes us both look up. Huge eagles fly across the sky towards the oncoming army just past Ravenhill. A large man falls from the back of one of the eagles and shifts into a bear? Well that's something you don't see everyday. The bear and eagles attack the army and destroy most of it in minutes. "The eagles and Beorn! It's over!"

"It is? It is!?! IT IS!?" I cheer. Then he's lifting me up and twirling me around. I laugh out loud and smile so wide my face hurts.

"Stay here please? Instead of going back to the Shire or traveling across Middle Earth like you were before will you stay here with me?" Legolas asks suddenly and puts me down.

"Of course!" I asnwer.

"And would you allow me to court you?" I freeze and butterflies fill my stomach. Manly butterflies though.

"Yes!!" I exclaim and allow him to pick me up and hug me again.


Tauriels POV

"Kili" I sob and crawl towards him. His breathing is shallow and labored.

"Tauriel" he breathes and grabs my hand. I push myself up and press my other hand to his bleeding wound.

"Hang on Kili. Please hang on" I beg and start to chant. Slowly my hands start to glow and I can feel energy leaving my body. "This will only hold for a little while so lay still."

"You are her. You are my lady in stars" Kili mumbles.

"And you are my dwarf walking on earth" I counter and lay my head on his chest.

"It alright we're gonna be alright" he mutters and runs his hands through my hair.

"Yes yes we are."

I just want to lie here with him for a little while.

I just need to forget the world.


Bellas POV

I gently help Thorin to his feet and walk him to the edge of the overlook. The battle below is starting to die down and the elves and dwarves are winning. The eagle and Beorn rip orcs to shreds beating Ravenhill stopping the new army in its tracks. All in all we've won.

"Finally some safety in our lives" Thorin says. "Erebor is won."

"Yes it is. What are you going to do with that win though?" I inquire.

"Make it peaceful. I will follow your advisory and make treaties with the people of Laketown and Mirkwood. Then I will marry you and make you my gorgeous queen. Our child will be born into a good peaceful plentiful kingdom" Thorin vows and pulls me in for another kiss. His lips are rough and chapped but still feel like nothing I've ever felt before.

"Yes Adriana come rejoice with us!" I exclaim and gesture for her to come over. I hear no answer from her.

"Adriana?" Thorin asks and we both turn. Adriana is bent over Azogs body her hands turning white she's clutching her sword so tightly. She looks up and smiles, blood pours from her mouth as she does. Azogs sword hand went right through her chest and stomach. Her arms are shaking but shes stills smiling. "No."

"ADRIANA NO!" I screech and run forward. I grab her arm and try to whichever off the sword but I'm not strong or talk enough. "HELP ME!" Thorin is by my side instantly and helping me lift her body off the sword and lower it to the ground. "Adriana what hurts?"

"It doesn't hurt" she murmurs. Dread and horror fill my thoughts. I feel as if I've been punched in the throat. I pull her into my lap and cradle her head. Next to Thorin sits holding his side gingerly. He is quiet.

"Nonononono" I plead. "Adriana don't do this please!"

"It's okay. Its-" she harshly coughs choking on her own blood. "Perfect. I'm safe in your arms. You need-" another cough. "To look after dad for me okay?"

"Yes yes I will I swear" I promise and let a few tears fall from my eyes.

"Tell Legolas I love him-" she chokes and sucks in a breath. "More than anything in the world. T-t-tell Thranduil it w-was re-eal."

"I will but please Adriana please" I plead desperately holding back a loud sob. Tears are pouring down my face now but they can't express the sadness and hopelessness I feel.

"I'm s-so so so-orry" Adriana chokes out.

"NOO" I hear someone scream and I don't need to turn around to know it's Thranduil. In seconds he's kneeling in front of me and his armor weapons dropped and forgotten. "Adriana." Adriana glances up at him and smiles her last. Her gaze fixes on him as the light leaves her eyes. I bend over and press my forehead to hers sobbing and wailing loudly. Thranduil doesn't speak he just tears Adrianas body from my arms and holds her.

"Why? Why!?!? WHY" I screech. I feel as if a void has been ripped through my soul. Her eyes stare so empty. No light in her eyes. None at all.

"Why does it hurt so much?" Thranduil asks brokenly. He isn't crying but there are tears in his eyes.

"Because it was real" I reply quietly. "She wanted you to know it was real." Thranduil doesn't look up only buries his face in Adrianas hair.

"Dad mom! We won!" Legolas cheers I turn to see him running up holding Mintos hand. He looks at me then at Thranduil holding Adrianas limp body and his face falls. "Mom?! MOM!?" Legolas sprints up and throws his body on the ground next to Adriana.

"She wanted you to know she loved you more than anything in the world Legolas" I choke out and before letting out another broken sob and burying my head in Thorin s chest.

"If you give some one your heart and they die, do they take your heart with them? Do you spend the rest of forever with a hole inside you th at can't be filled?" Thranduil says to himself and looks up his shattered expression meeting mine.

"Maybe" I respond quietly.

"Adriana my sweet little Adriana" Thranduil murmurs and buries his face into her hair. Her eyes are closed and her normally smiling face is expressionless. Legolas shrieks and rips at his own hair. I hear footsteps and turn to see the dwarves gathering and kneeling in respect.

"But we won it was supposed to be alright" Legolas says a lost look in his big blue eyes.

"Things don't always turn out alright Legolas. There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept. There are people we can't live without but have to let go......." Minto mumbles and puts and arm around Legolass shoulder. Minto is right but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. It doesn't mean for the rest of my life whenever I think of her it will be like a stab to my heart. No it means she's gone forever and there is nothing to be done.

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