Chapter 6 Dol Guldor

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Legolas's POV

"Tauriel look" I point to the looming fortress. Well what used to be a fortress. Now it's destroyed with vines and weeds growing all around. Father I told me about this place but not what came from it. He only said it was the living place of an evil being. I can see that and feel it.

Tall black thorny vines wrapped around the destroyed walls and statues. As if nature was trying to erase the hate and evil but was consumed itself.

The fortress had an evil air about it and an unsettling feeling. The feeling that something was not right. No in fact something was very very wrong.

"Dol Guldur" Tauriel hisses. "The spawn point of the evil that terrorizes our forest and citizens."

"The darkness that took our light" I add.

"The one place we don't want to go-"

"But are trying desperately to get to."

"I swear to raise this place to the ground" Tauriel growls clenching her hands into fists. Suddenly a noise catches my attention.

"Wait listen" I quiet her and we both listen closely. It's a sound if drums, metal clashing, shouts, and marching? Sounds like an army smells like orcs.

"Oh no it's an army of orcs" Tauriel goes pale.

"Quickly into the trees high as possible" I order and we scaled the nearest trees. I got as high as I could while remaining concealed by the leaves. After a few long minutes the army came marching into view. It was as I feared.

It was a very very large army well equipped too. Enough to destroy Laketown and lay siege to Erebor. Which was probably it's main purpose.

Ahead of the ranks Azog lead then form atop his white warg. Next to him Bolt, the orc Tauriel and I were hunting, rode on a normal brown warg.

"What do we do Legolas?" Tauriel whispers from the tree adjacent to mine.

"We slow then down to buy time so we can go back and warn everyone."

"How do we slow then down Legolas. We are only two we don't stand a chance!"

"We remain unseen, target their food supplies, large weapons, and ammunition."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes and if we die at least we tried."

"Right" Tauriel nods.


"On my mark" I hold up a hand. Tauriel was aiming her flaming arrow right at the food tent. The had a bit of elvish magic in it so the fire would spread quickly and wouldn't you out as easily. "Now." Tauriel let the arrow to and it's aim remained true. It ripped through the tent and landed in the middle.

Fire caught quickly and went unnoticed because no one was near the tent. Which was odd shouldn't guards be posted?

"Yes Legolas it's working" Tauriel whispers joyfully as fire spread to the next tent.

"Exactly now when they find out and chaos erupts I'll upset the wargs you shoot the animals that are pulling the canons."

"Alright be safe" then she was gone disappeared into the trees.

"Now for the hard part" I grumble and pull out the awful smelling dead rabbit Tauriel and I killed earlier.

Elves don't eat meat especially wood elves, my mother is an exception to this, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Jumping from tree to tree branch to branch just made my way over to the wargs. They had caretakers watching them but not even caretakers could control them after this.

I know before battle the wargs are starved so they are especially hungry during. So even one little rabbit can send them into a frenzy.

Smiling to myself I drop the rabbit. It has the desired effect and the wargs go crazy all wanting a bite. The handlers try to stop it but end up getting bitten themselves. Smiling at a job well done I follow the sound of arrows shooting in the dark to Tauriel.

She had successfully shot down all of the animals that were to pull cannons.

"Great job" I praise.

"Thank you now I believe we are to warn the others."

"Yes but first" I light a match tie to to an arrow and shoot the ammunition pile. We small explosion follows but Tauriel and I are not hurt no we are running away trying to contain laughter.

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